Thursday, December 7, 2023

NYC Bodega Owners Bear Arms as Crime Rates Increase

Bar Shooting Was "Active Shooter Situation" According to Bar Owner, iStock-1334890768
NYC Bodega Owners Bear Arms as Crime Rates Increase, iStock-1334890768

Regardless of what New York Governor Kathy Hochul says about crime rates in New York, the truth is they are increasing, especially in New York City. As a matter of fact, crime is so bad in the Big Apple that bodega owners have united and formed an alliance to make sure they are armed and protected against the robberies and violent assaults that are occurring daily. That’s right, the good old-fashioned solution to violence is alive and well in NYC, despite the counteracting measures New York City Mayor Eric Adams and New York State Governor Kathy Hochul may be trying to implement. The best response to a violent attack is having the ability to shoot back. Even the majority Democrat voter base in New York City is starting to see that reality.

Frank Marte, founder of the Bodega & Small Business Group Association, said, “We are not safe. We don’t have the protection that we need. We understand that the police department… they cannot be assisting when we are having so much problems, so we need to protect.”

According to the National Supermarket Association, in the last three years, gun ownership among bodega owners has increased to 25% from 10%, and in the past year, 230 firearms licenses have been issued to bodega owners in New York City.

Marte said police response takes up to 30 minutes, and crime is costing business owners money. He said, “We are losing so much money on shoplifting and we don’t have the support that we need. We need more support from the NYPD, but since we are not getting that… we’ve been getting armed ourselves.”

Why would the governor implement the most extreme and restrictive gun laws in America at a time when crime is up?

Despite the success gun owners had with the Bruen decision, Governor Hochul implemented a package of new gun laws called the Concealed Carry Improvement Act, which included a very dangerous component called “sensitive locations.” “Sensitive locations” are just another way of saying “gun free zone.” Where are these sensitive locations? Practically everywhere, but when good people are put in danger, they find a way to protect their lives and the lives of their families despite unconstitutional gun laws.

Bodegas may be some of the most vulnerable businesses when it comes to personal safety and crime. The idea that politicians would do everything they can to keep these folks unarmed and helpless is immoral, unconstitutional and should be considered criminal. Why are New York State and New York City officials insistent on creating dangerous gun laws that only achieve the disarmament of good citizens?

More than half a million New York residents left the State in 2022 alone, yet Democrat officials continue to defund police and keep New York residence in a perpetual state of danger and fear. In a recent press conference, Governor Hochul addressed the crime but seemed to be less focused on harsher penalties for criminals and more focused on surveillance and social media oversight to prevent the new left-wing boogieman, “hate speech.” Aside from allowing crime to fester in NYC, illegal immigrants are being made top priority by City and State Officials. Is there an end goal for the Democrats in this manufactured victim/predator society they’re creating? It would seem bodega owners have decided to take matters into their own hands rather than wait to find out.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos


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