Thursday, December 21, 2023

Arizona’s 11th Annual ‘Celebrate the Second Amendment’ Event! Join Us!

Arizona 11 Annual Celebrating the Second Amendment Event
Arizona 11 Annual Celebrating the Second Amendment Event

Every year in February (commemorating the month Arizona became our 48th State), RidersUSA and their friends at Gun Freedom Radio host Arizona’s largest gathering of freedom-loving Second Amendment supporters in a rally to Celebrate and Protect the Second Amendment. The 2024 Rally is on track to be the best event ever, featuring well-known speakers from Arizona and around the country and drawing thousands of participants from around the state and nation, and you’re invited.

Did you know that in 2021, the bureaucrats at the CDC (Center for Disease Control) claimed that there were 21,000 firearms-related fatalities in the US? After making this statement, the CDC soon thereafter declared that the fabricated term “gun violence” (its people violence stupid) is now a health-related issue, thus justifying their position to jump into the anti-gun frenzy. Okay….so why is a government agency tasked with identifying and eradicating infectious diseases suddenly taking a hard left turn into an arena they know nothing about?

Apparently, the present administration issued a memo to federal agencies across the board to figure out a way to insert these agencies into the business of challenging our 2nd Amendment. Perhaps, they figure, if you throw enough crap against the wall, that something has got to stick. The CDC, along with other agencies, is now actively engaged in the business of undermining or totally castrating the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution. Meanwhile, these agencies have become so “woke” that their effectiveness as credible entities created to serve the people has become corrupted and compromised.

The same administration will unashamedly swear on a stack of Bibles, claiming they support our 2nd Amendment. However, their actions are in sharp contrast to their words. Mounds of evidence clearly indicate that these Washington, DC political elites will indeed confiscate the firearms of every law-abiding citizen in these United States if given the opportunity! Persistent harassment and attempts to disarm the law-abiding defy all logic and common sense. Every American has a God God-given right to self-defend against the actions of the growing and increasingly violent criminal element.

Despite the dark cloud of tyranny hovering above us, there is a bright light that pierces through the gloom and ignorance.

Aside from well-established pro-Second Amendment organizations such as the National Rifle Association (NRA) and the Arizona Citizens Defense League (AzCDL), there is another less conspicuous local organization that regularly challenges the misinformation and blatant lies of the anti-gun industry. This group is known as the RidersUSA (Riders United for a Sovereign America) organization.

For the past decade, RidersUSA has sponsored a rally at the Arizona State Capitol to bring together citizens tired of the ever-encroaching tyranny of unbridled government and remind our elected leaders of their duty to protect our Second Amendment rights. The 11th Annual Rally to Celebrate and Protect the 2nd Amendment will be held on Saturday, February 17, in Wesley Bolin Plaza, right in front of the Arizona Capitol Building.

Please mark your calendar and join us for this celebration of liberty. Join fellow rights supporters in standing up against tyranny to maintain and secure the Right to Keep and Bear Arms for this and future generations.

This is a family-friendly event with a children’s section and a Motorcycle Procession where Riders from across the State ride in to get this party started. Participants of course, are welcomed to sport their favorite weapon of choice responsibly. Booth spaces are available for entrepreneurs to advertise their businesses, sell merchandise and/or distribute literature. RidersUSA will also sponsor a firearms raffle with a chance to win a brand-new AR-15 and other prizes. Your chances of winning are enhanced because of the limited number of raffle tickets that will be sold. This is a fun-filled, educational, and worthwhile experience! Hope to see you there……. more info:


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