Friday, August 9, 2024

Despite Assassination Attempt, Trump Stands Firm on 2nd Amendment as Harris & Walz Want Confiscation


In a recent press conference, former President Donald Trump made it abundantly clear that his commitment to the Second Amendment remains unwavering, even in the face of a personal assassination attempt that came fractions of an inch from ending his life and left him shot and bleeding from his head.

The weapon used by the now-dead would-be assassin was an AR-15, the most popular and most owned rifle in America, a rifle that has become a symbol in the debate over gun rights in America. Yet, despite the incident, Trump firmly stood his ground on our right to keep and bear arms.

His declaration underscores a critical divide in the upcoming presidential race. On one side, we have Trump, who has stood by the rights of Americans to bear arms, believing that “people need guns for protection.” On the other, we have Kamala Harris, a candidate who has spent much of her career attempting to curtail these rights and who now faces the impossible task of distancing herself from her own record.

Harris’s track record on gun control is extensive and troubling for anyone who values the Second Amendment. As a politician in California, she famously denied that the Second Amendment protects an individual’s right to keep and bear arms unrelated to militia service. Even when the Supreme Court of the United States ruled otherwise, Harris clung to her interpretation, putting her at odds with mainstream American opinion.

In 2020, as a candidate for the Democratic presidential nomination, Harris openly mocked then-candidate Joe Biden’s reluctance to use executive authority to ban so-called “assault weapons.” Her stance was clear: she was willing to push for policies that even Biden admitted were unconstitutional. Today, however, as she faces the American electorate, Harris is attempting to rewrite history, downplaying her previous positions and hoping voters forget her radical past.

Adding to the ticket is Tim Walz, Harris’s running mate, whose history is equally anti-gun.

Once a pro-gun politician with an “A” rating from the NRA (for what that is worth), Walz made a sharp turn to the left when he ran for governor of Minnesota. His dramatic change of heart—some might say it was more a change of political convenience—has left many gun owners feeling betrayed. Walz went from supporting gun rights to advocating for universal background checks, opposing concealed carry reciprocity, and calling for an “assault weapons” ban.

Walz’s credibility takes another hit with accusations of stolen valor. Despite his claims of carrying “weapons of war” during his military service, records show he never served in a combat zone. Walz has also been criticized for retiring early to avoid a deployment to Iraq, which raises serious questions about his integrity and commitment to the values he professes to uphold.

The contrast between Trump and the Harris-Walz ticket could not be starker.

Trump’s steadfast defense of the Second Amendment, even after being shot by an AR-15, speaks volumes about his commitment to the rights of law-abiding Americans. Meanwhile, Harris and Walz are attempting to mask their pasts, hoping voters won’t notice their inconsistencies and their willingness to sacrifice constitutional rights for political gain.

As we approach Election Day, gun voters must remember where the candidates stand—not just where they say they stand today but where they have stood throughout their careers. Harris and Walz have shown they are willing to change their positions when it suits them and their masters, but Trump’s resolve remains firm.

For those who value the Second Amendment, the choice is clear.

Read Related: Who Is Really To Blame For The ATF Bump Stock Ban Rule?

About Tred Law

Tred Law is your everyday patriot with a deep love for this country and a no-compromise approach to the Second Amendment. He does not write articles for Ammoland every week, but when he does write, it is usually about liberals Fing with his right to keep and bear arms.


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