Wednesday, August 28, 2024

‘Apocalyptic Luxury’ Bunkers Could Become a Deniability Trap

‘Apocalyptic Luxury’ Bunkers Could Become a Deniability Trap iStock-1634339719
Sometimes, bunkers just become expensive tombs. iStock-1634339719

“UNDERGROUND GLITZ I build world’s most luxurious WW3 bunkers with go-kart tracks & JET SKIS… there’s something super-rich always want,” the subhead to Monday’s “Apocalyptic Luxury” exclusive in The Sun declares. “A worldwide secret bunker network is also being planned.”

They don’t have to be bunkers—they can be luxury yachts, we are told. And whatever the elites choose, “They are being designed to ensure people can maintain their health during an apocalyptic event – keeping them well and entertained for as long as 30 years.”

A world they did their share of damage to burns and they not only absolve themselves of the business and political choices they made that contributed to it, but do so in a giant private perpetual amusement park? It sounds more like a mad dystopian Hollywood fantasy than it does serious people grasping realities necessary to survive. It sounds like a continuation of conditioned beliefs that with enough money, they can buy their way out of anything.

It sounds like desperate denial.

“We are building our first-ever commercial space in a city centre, I can’t say where, that will have bunkers underneath for clients to purchase,” Naomi Corbi, wife of developer Al Corbi claims. How it can be kept secret with zoning and planning approvals and construction is left unsaid, but “The clients can pick their hub.”

“[T]here will be hubs globally, including one in London,” Al Corbi promises, unknowingly revealing a crack in the façade that can end up bringing the whole complex crumbling down.

Subjects can’t own guns in London. And there are plenty of citizen disarmament edicts in other locales. Plus, it’s easier to demolish hardened structures than it is to build them.

Corbi’s company, SAFE, among other things like “nuclear/emp-proof” shelters, bioterror defense shelters, “pirate proof” yachts, emergency medical facilities, and an rooms, promises “Fortified Active Shooter Defense Shelters” that offer everything but the one thing that stops active shooters: other active shooters shooting back.

Do those racing their go-carts through subterranean passages before a dip in the pool and movies on the big screen think that, like everything else, this is something they can offload to “the help”?

“What makes these billionaires think their private security details won’t have families of their own that will be their first concerns, especially the worse things turn out to be?” l asked in an article about billionaires trying to ride out the Apocalypse they helped bring about on remote ranches, in luxury bunkers, and in “sea castles.” “Men may die for a lot of things, for loved ones, for convictions, for country… but for their boss?”

Seeing as how we’re talking the end of the world as we know it, what’s to stop hired gun mercenaries from deciding their employer has paid for a pretty nice setup, electricity, plenty of food, top-shelf booze, and he’s powerless to prevent them from taking it, and maybe his trophy wife or daughters, for themselves?

It’s curious how many billionaires bankroll efforts to disarm the hoi-polloi. Now, comes the Apocalypse, freelance pirates may not be the biggest threat Jeff Bezos and lip-augmented, blouse-busting Lauren Sanchez have to worry about on the open seas. And Mark Zuckerberg may just find that it will take more than “fire moats and water cannons” when the natives, with nothing to lose and everything to gain, are restless.

Also see:

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea


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