Thursday, July 11, 2024

Understanding the Supreme Court’s Rahimi Decision: Key Takeaways for Gun Rights Advocates ~ VIDEO


In a recent presentation to the Federalist Society, Mark Smith, a prominent legal scholar and host of the Four Boxes Diner YouTube channel, discussed the Supreme Court’s decision in United States v. Rahimi.

This landmark case has significant implications for Second Amendment jurisprudence, particularly in how it addresses the intersection of gun control laws and individual rights.

Narrow Holding with Broad Implications

The Rahimi decision centers on the constitutionality of 18 USC 922(g)(8), which prohibits individuals subject to domestic violence restraining orders from possessing firearms. The Supreme Court’s ruling, authored by Chief Justice John Roberts, was notably narrow. It held that individuals found by a court to pose a credible threat to the physical safety of another can be temporarily disarmed. This decision reaffirms the principle that the government can impose restrictions on gun ownership, but only under specific and narrow circumstances.

Affirming the Bruen Methodology

A critical aspect of the Rahimi decision is its reaffirmation of the methodology established in New York State Rifle & Pistol Association v. Bruen. This approach emphasizes that any modern gun control law must first be assessed against the text of the Second Amendment. If the law implicates the right to keep and bear arms, the burden shifts to the government to demonstrate a longstanding historical tradition of similar regulations. The Supreme Court’s unanimous endorsement of this methodology solidifies its position as the standard for evaluating Second Amendment cases.

Rejecting Interest Balancing

The Court’s decision also marks a decisive rejection of interest balancing, a judicial approach that weighs the government’s interest in regulation against individual rights. Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s concurrence attempted to reintroduce interest balancing by highlighting the harms of gun violence and domestic violence. However, the majority opinion clarified that policy considerations DO NOT override constitutional protections.

The focus remains strictly on the text and historical context of the Second Amendment.

Implications for Future Cases

The United States v. Rahimi decision signals that the Supreme Court will continue to scrutinize gun control laws closely. One key takeaway is the emphasis on temporary disarmament. The Court did not endorse lifetime bans on firearm possession for individuals subject to restraining orders, suggesting that any restrictions must be limited in scope and duration.

Additionally, the decision underscores the importance of due process. Rahimi’s case involved a situation where he was fully aware of and participated in the legal proceedings that led to the restraining order. Future cases involving red flag laws and other gun control measures will likely hinge on the adequacy of procedural protections afforded to individuals.

High Bar for Historical Tradition

The Supreme Court’s requirement for a robust historical tradition of firearms regulation sets a high bar for justifying modern gun control laws.

In Rahimi, the Court identified two primary bodies of law that supported disarming individuals deemed dangerous: the criminal affray laws and the civil surety statutes. Deep-rooted in English and American legal traditions, these longstanding laws provided a sufficient historical basis for the temporary disarmament of dangerous individuals.

However, the Court clarified that only well-established legal traditions, rather than isolated or obscure statutes, would meet this standard.


The United States v. Rahimi decision significantly developed Second Amendment jurisprudence. By reaffirming the Bruen methodology, rejecting interest balancing, and emphasizing due process and historical tradition, the Supreme Court has provided a clear framework for evaluating gun control laws. For gun rights advocates, this decision is a victory that reinforces the constitutional protections of the Second Amendment while recognizing the government’s authority to impose narrowly tailored restrictions on dangerous individuals.

For a deeper dive into the details and implications of the Rahimi decision, be sure to check out Mark Smith’s in-depth analysis above and on his Four Boxes Diner YouTube channel. His insights offer valuable context and a thorough breakdown of this landmark case.


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