Friday, June 21, 2024

Karma Alert? Another Bloomberg Mayor Could Become a ‘Prohibited Person’

Their policies have proven so incompetent at ending violence that frustrated Oakland voters have started a recall. (Sheng Thao/Facebook)

“The FBI on Thursday raided a home connected to Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao just a day after a recall campaign to oust her from office received enough signatures to qualify for the November ballot,” Fox News reports. “‘The FBI is conducting court authorized law enforcement activity on Maiden Lane,’ a bureau spokesperson told Fox News Digital. We are unable to provide additional information.’”

That’s coming in piecemeal, some of the early revelations thanks to the work of investigative reporter Dan Noyes posting on X.

“FBI carrying out ‘court authorized law enforcement activity’ at the home of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao. Developing,” he wrote, linking to an ABC News piece by reporter Lena Howland that noted “We saw officers carrying out boxes, plastic tubs and trash bags. They cleared this scene around 10am. This is one of at least four locations raided today.”

“BREAKING: Sources tell ABC News that the FBI raid at home of Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao also involves the IRS and U.S. Postal Service,” Noyes Xed again.  “I just arrived at the scene. Spotted FBI Agent briefly on balcony.”

“Good law-enforcement source tells me this is a public corruption investigation of Thao and her boyfriend,” he revealed. “Coincidence — as I’m leaving Oakland Mayor Sheng Thao’s house after the FBI raid, I saw this truck from California Waste Solutions nearby. We also saw FBI at that company’s offices, and at Andy Duong’s home, whose family owns Cal Waste. You may recall that Duong funded Thao’s trip last year to Vietnam. More to come …” he added.

What readers won’t get from any of the news stories is the tie-in between Thao and the citizen disarmament lobby, which is revealing in itself. One would think the daughter of Hmong refugees taken into this country would take the time to appreciate why freedoms recognized here make it different from the genocidal country, with its enabling citizen disarmament diktats, that her family was forced to flee.

First and foremost, Oakland is a member of Michael Bloomberg’s Mayors Against Illegal Guns, a group that arguably wants to make them ALL illegal. The number of criminal mayors emerging from this coalition makes it fair to wonder, based on the number of convictions compared to the number of members, if MAIG doesn’t have one of the highest crime rates in America. Unsurprisingly, Bloomberg cities reflect that lawlessness, making the “top 50” list for “world’s most violent,” running the table on homicide cities in this country.

“I am humbled to have earned the Gun Sense Candidate recognition from Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America. As Mayor, I will not rest until we bring every resource to bear in the fight to end this violent crime epidemic that is plaguing our city,” Thao wrote on her Facebook. “I have continuously led efforts into violence prevention policy– from increasing funding to DVP, tackling our police vacancy crisis, establishing a new gun buyback program, and more. I am proud to have this recognition and will continue to be a strong partner on gun safety.”

We see how effective she’s been at that as evidenced by a recall campaign that blames her administration for a rise in crime. Led by a former Alameda County Superior Court judge and police commissioner who “has accused Thao of having ‘blood on her hands,’” the perception was punctuated by a mass shooting Wednesday at Oakland’s Juneteenth celebration, where 15 people were shot.

Perhaps there’s a bit of karma that will emerge for someone who thinks the citizens of the country that took her family in can’t be trusted with guns. Depending on what the FBI/IRS/Postal Service raid turns up, she could end up a “prohibited person,” forbidden by law to have for herself  what she demanded to take from everyone else.

This is obviously a developing story, and much is expected to be learned about the nature of the investigation and any resulting charges in the coming days. As such, depending on the timing, this post may be updated with relevant developments.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea


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