Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Your Gun Rights Hang by a Single Vote in the Nevada State Senate, VOTE!

Glock Vote iStock-1271805899
Go out and vote! The fate of the Second Amendment and the Republic as a whole are at stake. iStock-1271805899

Primary voting is again upon the Silver State, with early voting starting Saturday, 25 May.

Much is at stake for gun owners this cycle, because the Republican Governor Joe Lombardo’s veto power hangs on one seat in the state Senate.

If the Democratic-controlled Assembly keeps their super-majority, and the Democrats in the state Senate add one more seat, they will have a super-majority in both chambers, and Governor Lombardo’s veto will be just a ceremonial exercise, capable of being over-ridden at the whim of the Democrats.

NVFAC and its PAC are non-partisan, but as you have heard me say many times, in this political moment in the life of the American republic, Democrats are more likely to be anti-gun and anti-self-defense, while Republicans are more likely to be pro-gun-rights and pro-self-defense.

One interesting fact of the 2022 election is that over 150,000 registered Republican voters stayed home from the polls, while Adam Laxalt lost his U. S. Senate race to Catherine Cortes Masto by 8,000 votes.

You read that right. 150 thousand registered Republicans didn’t vote in 2022, and Cortes Masto won by 8,000 votes.

Why didn’t those 150,000 Republicans vote that year?

Only they know.

I’ve heard a lot of gun owners in my time say they don’t vote because they don’t want to be called for jury duty, as juries are called from voter roll lists.

I hope you’re not that guy. Our liberties are maintained by three boxes: the ballot box, the cartridge box, and the jury box.

One of the best things you can do to defend our gun rights, and all of our rights and liberties, is to vote, maintain your legal arms and ammunition, and serve on juries.

Politicians like to say, especially in recent years, that this election is the most important election of our lifetime.

For citizens who value their rights, especially the right to keep and bear arms, this time it’s true.

As patriots and lawful gun owners and as freedom-loving Americans, you will not like what you get from our legislature if the Silver State’s crop of Democrats are able to override Joe Lombardo’s vetoes.

Your calls and letters to the legislature and Joe Lombardo’s veto were the only things that saved us from some bad anti-gun bills during the last session.

Nevada Firearms Coalition PAC Endorsements 2024
Nevada Firearms Coalition PAC Endorsements 2024

The same people who wrote and passed those bad anti-gun rights bills last session are still around, working and hoping and praying that they can keep their Assembly super-majority and gain a Senate super-majority so they can pass more infringements on your and my Second Amendment rights.

I urge you to vote in the Primary election, to help preserve the Governor’s veto.

I also urge you to vote early, to bank those pro-2A votes early so we don’t win on election day only to lose after the absentee ballots are counted days after Election Day.

Encourage your friends, family, and like-minded people to register to vote, and to vote, and vote early!! Your gun rights hang by a single vote in the state Senate. Don’t be the guy who loses them for all of us by not voting.

Click here to see NVFAC PAC’s endorsed candidates for Assembly and Senate.

Yours in Liberty,


Duncan Rand Mackie
President, NVFAC PAC

Nevada Firearms Coalition PAC

The Nevada Firearms Coalition-PAC was created as the political arm of the Nevada Firearms Coalition. Our mission is to support responsible, pro-gun policies and likeminded political candidates, and we will oppose all efforts to infringe on our 2nd Amendment Rights and candidates who support increased gun control. www.nvfacpac.org

Nevada Firearms Coalition

from https://ift.tt/gafPrJ9

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