Monday, May 20, 2024

New York Decides to Ban Glocks and Other “Convertible” Pistols

New York Gun Flag iStock-884181314
New York is an anti-gun dystopia. IMG iStock-884181314

The No-Gun state of New York is working on a new strategy. It’s a bill called S 9225 that was introduced for the purpose of making it illegal to manufacture or sell any device that can turn a firearm into a rapid fire “machine gun.” The devious way the bill is written may make a vast number of firearms and manufacturers vulnerable.


The Bill specifically names Glock for its “Glock Switch” but also includes any “copycat weapons” that can be converted in the same way. S9225 would make it illegal for certain persons to possess or sell a “pistol converter” or converted pistol.

Using the politicized term “gun violence” as justification for this new firearm regulation, the bill also talks about handguns being small in size and of simple design. This makes pistols easily converted with nothing more than a screwdriver, turning them into illegal, fully automatic weapons. The Bill states, “If makers of convertible pistols adapt their designs to ensure they cannot be converted into machine guns simply by installing a pistol converter, they will no longer be subject to the sale prohibition.”

This language appears to be code for, “We will determine which guns can be “converted,” and the State of New York will have the final word on which guns can be sold in New York.

It is clear that New York State has a criminal violence problem, yet they interchange the word “criminal” with the word “gun” and use it multiple times throughout the bill to justify the legislation of devices such as the Glock Switch. There is no such thing as “gun violence.” New York and other Democrat-run states have “human violence” or “criminal violence” problems that they refuse to deal with. Rational people understand that the violence in the state of New York comes from incompetent policymakers who allow for things such as early release, bail reform and other forms of leniency for criminals.

The originally appointed Governor, Kathy Hochul, released 191 prisoners from Rikers Island as soon as she was handed the position of Governor from the disgraced Andrew Cuomo. Should the State of New York enforce laws and crackdown on crime, the problems they claim to be having because of firearms wouldn’t exist. It has become crystal clear that if the State had a reduction in violent crime, justification for gun control laws would decrease. New York State appears to be one of the several states that capitalizes on its own manufactured crime for political purposes and the false need for gun control laws.

The New York bill, S9225, co-sponsored by Iwen Chew, reads more like an anti-gun OpEd from Mom’s Demand Action. Several anti-gun buzzwords are peppered throughout the bill, staying true to Democrat rhetoric stylings and looking like nothing more than a propaganda piece to influence other Legislators.

The Bill claims it would “hold firearm companies that produce convertible pistols accountable for their failure to address this problem and the dangers it poses to New York State. It is intended to incentivize them to take steps to update their design to prevent the continued misuse of their products.”

The problem with the way these Legislators write the text for these anti-gun bills is that they are very misleading. In this particular case, the text specifically says New York State will hold firearm companies accountable for their failure to address this “problem,” implying that the “problem” is gun-related. The real problem is once again one of “human violence,” which the State refuses to address and is of its own making. As usual, Democrats are pushing the blame onto someone else. In this case, Glock and other firearm manufacturers.

The text also refers to “misuse of their products,” this implies that firearm manufacturers are responsible for the actions of people who possess their products. “The Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act” (PLCAA) specifically protects firearm manufacturers from “misuse” and liability if their products are used illegally. This text appears to be an attempt at removing this protection in the State of New York and making firearm manufacturers vulnerable.

New York Democrats understand that if they can remove the protections that are in place for firearm manufacturers, they can sue them to the point they stop doing business in New York or run them out of business altogether. The goal is a completely unarmed New York State Citizenry.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information, contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos


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