Thursday, February 10, 2022

The Dueling Impulses Second Amendment Supporters Must Balance

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The Dueling Impulses Second Amendment Supporters Must Balance

United States – -( When defending our right to keep and bear arms, Second Amendment supporters are dealing with a lot. We are constantly smeared as domestic terrorists and child killers for refusing to go along with the anti-Second Amendment agenda of certain politicians and media figures. It’s easy to just give in and respond in kind.

Don’t get me wrong, sometimes, there are circumstances when speaking harshly about anti-Second Amendment extremists is warranted.

These should be rare and used either when those seeking to infringe our rights have engaged in significant provocation or when addressing a blatant violation of our rights, as is the case with the Lavrentiy Beria-inspired witch hunts led by the likes of Letitia James.

However, in the spirit of the lyrics of a very classic pop music hit from decades ago inspired by the Bible, there is a time for the harsh rhetoric and a time to refrain from the harsh rhetoric. Far more often, we need to avoid the harsh rhetoric that risks Second Amendment supporters replicating Biden’s blunders in recent months.

Unlike Biden, we don’t have the benefit of support from the bulk of the media.

That says nothing, of course, about the power of Big Tech to censor us or the threat of financial deplatforming that is an existential threat to Second Amendment activism and the firearms industry. It’s a harsh reality we face in 2022.

That harsh reality sometimes requires us to swallow our pride in the face of having our arguments distorted, being smeared in one form or another, and to even be insulted personally over our activism in defense of the Second Amendment. It is not easy to hold our tongue (or refrain from posting an angry comment) in the face of lies – I can attest to that on a personal level. But defending the Second Amendment is important enough to do that, no matter the cost to our pride.

Instead of lashing out, even when our anger is justified, Second Amendment supporters should dedicate themselves to carrying out the outreach and persuasion that can help make the gains we’ve seen in the 2021 election and from other data become permanent enough to sink anti-Second Amendment extremism. We need to not only welcome those who have joined the ranks of gun owners, but we need to help them on the path to becoming not just responsible gun owners, but also to be effective advocates for the Second Amendment should they choose to do so.

Ultimately, how we manage the dueling impulses and instincts in our hearts and minds will determine how effective we are in defending our Second Amendment rights. The ultimate question we need to ask ourselves is, “Will what I am doing help us defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists at the federal, state, and local levels via the ballot box?”

Once we have the answer to that question, we should act accordingly.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.Harold Hutchison


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