Monday, January 25, 2021

Where Do We Go From Here?

Second Amendment Activist Protest Activism Take Action
Second Amendment Activist Protest Activism Take Action

Across America – -( Second Amendment supporters are looking at the Biden-Harris regime’s first days in office with very understandable trepidation. After all, Chuck Schumer is demanding an end to the legislative filibuster, opening the door to court-packing, campaign “reform” that silences our voices, and other assaults on our freedoms.

So, what do we do next?

There’s a lot to do in order to be ready to put pro-Second Amendment leadership in control of the 118th Congress, which will be elected next year. But this is a task that can be accomplished, and in many ways, is more along the path to being accomplished than you might realize.

Let’s take a look at what’s happened to two nominally pro-Second Amendment elected officials who recently wobbled (to put it mildly) on a non-related issue. In Wyoming, Liz Cheney was rebuked unanimously by the Wyoming Republican Party for her vote to impeach President Trump. She is also facing an effort to remove her from her leadership position that is supported by over half the House GOP. While it remains to be seen what the outcome will be, it has to be an encouraging sign.

Similarly, in Kentucky, Mitch McConnell is facing a similar backlash over his comments. Local Republican party officials have rebuked him, and the state Republican party plans to debate a censure resolution on January 23.

Involvement in a political party that is supportive of the Second Amendment – whether at the precinct, county, or even state level – can have an outsized impact for the numbers of people involved. With the political party comes infrastructure and institutional power that can be maximized for defending our rights.

It also never hurts to make sure that all of your friends and family are registered to vote – and that their registrations are up to date. With the proliferation of mail-in balloting (which will not go away any time soon), you would not want your vote – or those of your friends and family – to be floating out there. Your county and state board of elections are other places to get involved.

One thing that has to be done is to disabuse all Second Amendment supporters that our effort to restore our rights will be a short, victorious campaign that settles the matter once and for all. Anti-Second Amendment extremists didn’t give up after the Heller ruling, they haven’t given up with the confirmation of judges likely to uphold our rights, and they won’t give up if we thwart the Biden-Harris regime.

Second Amendment supporters need to act, politely engaging with their fellow Americans, preparing to work inside political parties at the precinct, local,, and state levels, and support the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action and Political Victory Fund to prepare for the next election battles.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.

Harold Hutchison

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