Friday, January 15, 2021

Biden Pledges to “Beat the NRA…” But He Can Not Beat the Citizen Gun Lobby ~ VIDEO


Liberty, AZ, USA – -( Joe Biden, in his self-proclaimed quest to “reunify” the nation, has declared his intention to “defeat the NRA.”

I guess he figures that’s a good place to start with his reunification campaign, since everyone in the country is in agreement that the NRA is bad… Well, at least everyone other than the Association’s 5 million, dues-paying members and the other 30 million or so gun owners who strongly support the NRA, along with the 75 million or more other American gun owners and patriots who basically agree with most of what the NRA does. Even those of us who are very critical of some of NRA’s leaders, are still strongly supportive of the organization itself and its goals. In fact, our complaints primarily revolve around some NRA leaders using the organization to pad their own pockets, and a general failure to stand by the core principles of the Second Amendment.

Biden made his declaration in a tweet commemorating the 10-year anniversary of the attack on former Representative Gabby Giffords, in which six people were killed and Giffords was severely wounded, along with several others. The attacker, a disgruntled leftist “progressive,” used a common and popular model of handgun, which he had legally purchased from a licensed dealer, after passing an FBI background check.

After praising Giffords, Biden said; “I pledge to continue to work with you — and with survivors, families, and advocates across the country — to defeat the NRA and end our epidemic of gun violence.”

As is so often the case with politicians, it seems that Mr. Biden doesn’t seem to know what he’s talking about.

First, there is no “epidemic of gun violence” in this country – or there wasn’t until leftists launched their campaign to “defund” the police. Since then, there has been a significant increase in murders in a few big cities – almost all of which have had strict gun control laws in place for decades – but calling those isolated surges in criminal violence an “epidemic,” is a misuse of the word, in fact, it’s a lie.

It’s also disingenuous to single out “gun violence,” as guns are just tools, sometimes used for criminal violence, but dramatically more often used for sport, recreation, and lawful personal protection. The final absurdity of Biden’s statement, is his suggestion that the solution to ending “gun violence” is to “defeat the NRA.” What exactly does “defeat the NRA” mean, and how is that going to solve the supposed problem of “gun violence?”

The problem of crime involving guns certainly doesn't come from NRA members or NRA supporters that are committing criminal violence. Nor does NRA enable or promote criminal activity with their opposition to useless and intrusive gun control laws. Even more significant, is the fact that the NRA is only the largest of many organizations representing the political interests of American gun owners, not the only such organization, and not the only way that gun owners can flex their political muscle in opposition to infringements on their rights.

Mr. Biden doesn’t seem to understand that, unlike the groups like Giffords’ and Mike Bloomberg’s Everytown for Gun Safety, the NRA’s power and influence comes from its members and supporters, not their money and personal relationships with politicians. This confusion on Biden’s part can be excused, to a degree, as the lamestream media and the NRA itself, are often guilty of overstating the Association’s significance.

In their reply to Biden’s declaration, the NRA said; “He knows the only thing standing in his way to DISMANTLE THE 2ND AMENDMENT is NRA.”

That’s pure hogwash. What’s standing between Joe Biden and the dismantling of the Second Amendment is over 100 million responsible gun owners and other Constitution-loving Americans. As the largest rights organization in the battle, the NRA certainly plays a role, but suggesting that they are the only opposition, is utter nonsense.

As I’ve said many times, the NRA is not the “gun lobby.” You are the “gun lobby.” The NRA is a tool, employed by the “gun lobby,” but they are not the “gun lobby” itself. That title belongs to every gun owner and lover of liberty who supports individual firearm rights and opposes infringement of those rights.

On his website, Joe Biden says he plans to ban “assault weapons,” and “high-capacity” magazines, ban private transfers of firearms between friends and acquaintances, institute burdensome taxes on gun and ammunition purchasers (restricting firearms to only the wealthy and privileged, like Mr. Biden), and make it easier to take guns away from someone based solely on accusations, without opportunity to object or face their accuser.

Of course, the biggest error in all of this is the idea that banning, restricting, or taxing guns and ammunition, will change criminals’ behavior and somehow reduce criminal misuse of firearms. Not only will Biden’s plan not accomplish its stated goals, it will make criminals of otherwise law-abiding citizens. Few will comply with what they see as patently unconstitutional orders. This all leads to a high probability of innocent people being arrested or killed, along with injuries and deaths of those trying to enforce the unconstitutional mandates, all in the name of reducing “gun violence.”

Here’s the question for Mr. Biden and his supporters: How many innocent, patriotic gun owners are you willing to kill or incarcerate, in a futile effort to slightly reduce the use of firearms by violent criminals?

Since the protests, rioting, and looting of last summer, culminating in the movement to “defund” the police, murder, and other violent crime has surged in several cities – predominately Democrat-controlled cities with strict gun control laws. But Biden and company will blame the surge on “lax” gun laws and the defenders of gun rights who fight against stricter regulations.

Now more than ever, it’s up to all gun owners to step up and take their rightful place as members of the gun lobby. It’s up to you, to contact your senators and representative, to let them know that you strongly oppose enactment of additional restrictions, bans, or taxes on firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition. Whether your elected servants are solid Second Amendment supporters or rabid gun prohibitionists, contact them and politely, but firmly let them know that you oppose these measures and want them to oppose them as well. Every little bit of pressure matters, and even the most stalwart anti-rights politicians have occasionally been known to see the light, once they begin to feel the heat, so light a fire under them.

Maybe Joe Biden can “beat the NRA,” but there’s no way he can beat you when you stand shoulder-to-shoulder with fellow patriots as the Gun Lobby. It’s up to you. You Are the Gun Lobby, and all of these politicians ultimately work for you.

Jeff Knox
Jeff Knox

About Jeff Knox:

Jeff Knox is a second-generation political activist and director of The Firearms Coalition. His father Neal Knox led many of the early gun rights battles for your right to keep and bear arms. Read Neal Knox – The Gun Rights War.

The Firearms Coalition is a loose-knit coalition of individual Second Amendment activists, clubs and civil rights organizations. Founded by Neal Knox in 1984, the organization provides support to grassroots activists in the form of education, analysis of current issues, and with a historical perspective of the gun rights movement. The Firearms Coalition has offices in Buckeye, Arizona and Manassas, VA. Visit:

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