Monday, April 1, 2024

RFK Jr. Would Put Gun Banner-Supporting VP Pick a Heartbeat from Presidency

Kennedy wants to put a Democrat gun prohibitionist supporter a heartbeat from the presidency. (Robert F. Kennedy, Jr/Facebook)

“Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. announced Tuesday that Nicole Shanahan, a wealthy attorney and entrepreneur in the San Francisco Bay Area, will be joining his campaign as his vice presidential selection,” NBC News reports. “In her address, Shanahan railed against the Democratic Party, saying that it ‘has lost its way’ and that she was formally leaving it behind.”

Her primary issues, according to the report, are “concerns over the U.S. food supply … skepticism of medicine and vaccines [and] concerns about ‘electromagnetic pollution.”

That’s the extent of her differences or just her major points of focus? How do Shanahan’s views track with the rest of the Party platform, particularly the section under “Healing the Soul of America” masking tyrannical citizen disarmament under the propaganda heading “Ending the Epidemic of Gun Violence”?

“His pick for VP should tell you all you need to know. This Bay Area leftist is pro-abortion, anti-gun and anti-liberty,” one comment poster under my March 26 AmmoLand article (submitted for publication before Kennedy’s VP announcement) asserted. “She’s a hardline progressive, and the fact that she literally purchased the VP spot from Bobby Kennedy would have soured me on him, even if he’d never made any of those anti-gun statements,” said another.

Are they right?

“Ye shall know them by their fruits” comes to mind, and Shanahan has picked plenty of those.

In “55 Things You Need to Know About Nicole Shanahan,” Politico narrows it down to policies and politicians she has supported (links added to document positions on the right to keep and bear arms):

She has described herself as a “progressive through and through” … She has donated to Democratic politicians such as Hillary Clinton in 2016, Joe Biden in 2020, Pete Buttigieg in 2020, and her local Congressman Democrat Ro Khanna, along with a slew of Democratic politicians across the country. In 2020, Shanahan co-hosted a fundraiser for Buttigieg. And she also supported Marianne Williamson’s long-shot 2020 bid. She donated $25,000 to the Biden Victory Fund in 2020.

This is what RFK Jr. proposes to put a heartbeat away from the presidency. Now imagine what she would support – and who she would nominate to the federal courts – if she assumed office. And more to the point, imagine what the man who selected her would do, despite his hollow assurances that he won’t support more “gun control” – unless he has the votes:

“Mr. Kennedy believes it is up to Congress to decide where to draw the line. If the American people, through their representatives in Congress, decide to draw the line at assault weapons, he will sign that legislation.”

Because some gun owners who support him on other issues, like the COVID “vaccines,” don’t appear to be getting the message is the main reason this column has repeatedly warned against Kennedy’s campaign. Barring a catastrophe taking out the other candidates, a Kennedy/Shanahan win won’t happen, but the votes they siphon will act as “spoilers.”

The point is to make it hurt the Democrats worse, but that’s not guaranteed, with some gun owners buying into Kennedy’s “assurances.”

So, leave it to the open borders Libertarian Party (the same people who offered us Lautenberg Amendment supporter Bob Barr, Bernie Sanders-agreeing Gary Johnson, and out-and-out “terror watchlist/weapon of war” gun-grabber William Weld slots on their ticket) to be trying to rationalize a way to throw its support behind Kennedy in spite his Shanahan pick.

And yes, it’s stipulated that Donald Trump is deeply flawed. If you’re going to work within the system, this is what we’ve got.

Also see:

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea


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