Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Gun-Grabber Desperate for Control is DENIED

The New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, who declared a public health emergency for the sole purpose of creating an executive order that would prevent people from carrying guns in New Mexico, is being defied and ridiculed in the Press. She seems to have forgotten what her job is and does not appear to have ever read the Constitution. When questioned why she thinks it’s acceptable to violate the constitutional rights of New Mexico residents by illegally implementing a ban on the carry of firearms, she responded, “No Constitutional right, in my view, including my oath, is intended to be absolute.” She also made clear that she could suspend the rights of the people whenever she wanted if she declared an emergency, so she simply declared a public health emergency.

This is an example of a person who should have never been elected to office. This is obviously an act of exerting sheer power over others. Psychologists have said displaying this type of control over others often makes the person feel less at risk or powerful and often stems from a sense of lack of control in one’s life.

Grisham claims that Constitutional rights are not absolute, yet takes an action that leads us to believe she thinks her power over others is absolute. This would appear to be her way of taking control over the one document that has been the guideline to American life since our founding. Some people say, “power corrupts.” The truth is “the need to feel powerful corrupts.” The corruption comes from the individual. Some with power do great things, while others destroy great things.

Like most gun grabbers, Grisham blames the violence in her State on guns and uses that human violence as an excuse to create unconstitutional gun laws by executive fiat.

When questioned about why she is not recognizing the fact that there are laws against the crimes in question, Grisham played to the victim-minded and asked, “Who is standing up for my rights?” This is a typical strategy that works for the gun grabbers by helping those of the “victim mindset” feel like they have a voice. In other words, the Hero has now stepped in to protect the victims. The World has no shortage of “victims,” and politicians know exactly how to appeal to them. In exchange for protecting the “victim-minded,” votes are always expected.

This Governor is then asked if she really believes criminals will not carry a gun because of her new rule. She admits that she believes they will ignore her mandate. This is a perfect example of an irrational person with power, knowingly creating laws that won’t work while being emotionally reactive to a situation herself.

Children will often react without thinking. It takes the brain years to develop the cognitive ability to control one’s actions and prevent reactive behavior. It also takes a rational mind to think through the process and understand the outcome of one’s actions before taking impulsive action. It would seem this Governor reacted like an angry child on the playground, giving no thought to the potential danger she would be putting people in or the rights of Citizens she would be violating. The problem here is Governor Gresham can do grave damage to the lives of many people by making them unarmed and helpless to serve her own control strategy, emotional reactivity, or desire to position herself politically.

Sheriff departments and Judges quickly realized that what Grisham was doing did not meet Constitutional standards. Some have publicly denounced her new policy and have declared they will not enforce it. A Federal Judge temporarily blocked Gresham’s ban on carrying guns in Albuquerque and its surrounding county. Multiple gun rights organizations immediately filed suit against the Governor as soon as they heard about her behavior and Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF) secured a TRO against the New Mexico Governor.

Bernalillo County Sheriff John Allen said, “This order will not do anything to curb gun violence other than punish law-abiding citizens who have a constitutional right to self-defense.”

In response to the backlash Gresham has received, she doubled down on her position and said, “Fewer guns on the streets make everyone safer.” We know this not to be true because several studies have shown that the number of Defensive Gun Uses (DGU) far outweighs the number of gun-related deaths, but in typical Democrat fashion, Gresham will lie about the facts to support her position as if she has any credibility left to preserve.

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate, Host of The Loaded Mic and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” book series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on Newsmax, the Sean Hannity Show, Real America’s Voice, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos

from https://ift.tt/b0wQkRA

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