Monday, August 29, 2022

Some Belated Accountability For Broward County, Florida

Gun Control in Florida Costs Lives, Allexxandar-iStock-884197090
Some Belated Accountability For Broward County, Florida, iStock-884197090

Florida – -( Second Amendment supporters may not have noticed, but Governor Ron DeSantis recently suspended four members of the Broward County School Board for incompetence. This is something long overdue.

The fact is that these school board members had much more moral culpability for the 2018 shooting at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland than Second Amendment supporters did – not that you’ll hear anything about it in the media. These people had multiple chances to start the ball rolling to stop the shooter – and failed.

This shooting led to the setbacks Second Amendment supporters dealt with in 2018, 2019, and 2020, as it was the pretext Andrew Cuomo needed to launch his attack on the NRA via weaponizing financial regulations. Jon Tester and Joe Manchin are sitting in Senate seats that were very winnable in 2018 because of Cuomo. We also don’t need to discuss two seats Georgia or a couple of Senate elections that were close.

Then there is the fact that Parkland minted a number of activists pushing anti-Second Amendment extremism. David Hogg, Fred Guttenberg, Emma Gonzalez, and others lost people they cared about, and have decided in the midst of grief – for some at an unimaginable level – that the millions of people who objected to being punished for past horrific acts of malice or madness over the years and decades prior to Parkland through their activism for the Second Amendment were somehow accessories to the actions of a lone shooter.

It’s bullshit, and we need to make sure that our fellow Americans know it is bullshit. We need to lay out the case as to who was really responsible. The media will spin it as us picking on the bereaved, but we have the right to protect our reputations and our rights, and we need to exercise it in a prudent manner, bearing in mind that how we come across will be as important as making the case.

That is why Second Amendment supporters should use these findings when discussing the issues with our fellow Americans. First of all, the incompetence that leads to these shootings is a threat to our rights – and we need to make it clear that if not for that incompetence, February 14, 2018, would have been just another day at Parkland.

It wasn’t just the failures of the school board at Parkland. The cowards of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office also failed. So did prosecutors, and not just at the state level. There is a need for some form of Project Exile to address places where Soros-backed prosecutors let bad guys walk.

Second Amendment supporters need to study and examine the state grand jury report that led to these suspensions, because it will help defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists via the ballot box at the federal, state, and local levels.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.Harold Hutchison


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