Sunday, June 12, 2022

President Biden Continues His Assault on the Second Amendment

U.S.A.-( After the tragic events in Texas and New York, the Biden administration has continued to increase its gun control rhetoric. While polls have shown 50% of American voters do not believe gun control is the answer, the President has continued his push to disarm law-abiding American citizens.

Biden is now suggesting banning ‘high-caliber weapons’ such as those chambered in 9mm. You heard me right, Joe Biden said 9mm is a high-caliber weapon that has, quote: “no rational basis for it in terms of self-protection.”

Now Biden is saying the 9mm, one of the most popular cartridges for self-defense in the United States, has no place in the hands of civilians.

Using fear to sell his message, Biden would say that a 9mm bullet “blows the lung out of the body.”

The President followed this up by saying, “why should we allow people to have military-style weapons, including pistols with 9mm bullets and can hold 10 or more rounds.”

If that isn’t the definition of fear-mongering propaganda, I am really not sure what is.

In the quote, Biden went on to say that the constitution was never absolute and then repeated one of his favorite gun control lies.

“You couldn’t buy a cannon when the Second Amendment was passed.”

Our Founding Fathers did not restrict civilians’ access to cannons or any other matter of arms. The Second Amendment is clear:


Riding Shotgun With Charlie

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