Tuesday, June 22, 2021

FPC Statement on 9th Circuit Order Injunction on ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban

‘Yet again, the Ninth Circuit treats the right to keep and bear arms as a “second-class” right and “constitutional orphan.” ‘

Ninth Circuit Panel Ruling Holds California Magazine Ban Unconstitutional
The fanatically anti-Second Amendment Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals elected to disregard that fundamental duty.  IMG iStock-898278698

U.S.A. -(AmmoLand.com)- Yesterday, Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC) issued the following statement rebuking the Ninth Circuit’s stay order blocking the enforcement of the district court’s judgment and injunction in FPC’s Miller v. Bonta lawsuit, a case challenging the State’s ban on so-called “assault weapons”:

The first duty of our federal courts is to uphold the Constitution and protect the People’s fundamental rights enshrined therein. But today, as it has too many times before, the fanatically anti-Second Amendment Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals elected to disregard that fundamental duty, ignore the text and public meaning of our Constitution, and fail the very people they swore an oath to serve.

If this case were about a similarly broad abortion ban, restrictive immigration policy, or reduction of voting rights, just to name a few examples, there is no question that the Ninth Circuit’s decision here would have gone the other way. Just as Justice Clarence Thomas accurately explained in his 2018 dissent from denial of certiorari in Silvester v. Becerra—the first-ever federal Second Amendment trial victory that the Ninth Circuit outrageously reversed based on its own (anti-rights) “common sense” rather than the Constitution and Supreme Court’s D.C. v. Heller decision—“the right to keep and bear arms is apparently [the Supreme] Court’s constitutional orphan. And the lower courts seem to have gotten the message.”

Indeed they have, and that is precisely what the Ninth Circuit did again today in its order granting the stay—treat your fundamental, individual Second Amendment freedoms as a “second-class right.” Rather than allow the parties to brief and litigate the appeal as it would in appeals about rights it favors, the Ninth Circuit put Judge Benitez’s incredibly detailed, historically accurate, and legally sound decision and judgment—and your rights—on ice.

FPC will continue to Fight Forward for the fundamental rights of all People in this and many other lawsuits around the country. And to be sure, neither a stay order in this case nor the Ninth Circuit itself will prevent us from aggressively working to eliminate unconstitutional laws and expand human liberty.

Tens of millions of Californians have suffered under the State’s unconstitutional and oppressive gun control scheme for far too long. Today the Ninth Circuit chose government tyranny over human lives and rights. If the federal courts wish to remain a relevant part of this Republic’s system of ordered liberty, then they should do their [well-paid, lifetime-tenure] jobs and stand up for the rights of the people of the United States in every case—not merely when it is convenient to them and anti-rights radicals like Governor Gavin Newsom and Attorney General Rob Bonta.

We will provide further updates about Miller v. Bonta and other FPC lawsuits at FPCLegal.org.

About Firearms Policy Coalition

Firearms Policy Coalition (firearmspolicy.org) is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization. FPC’s mission is to protect and defend constitutional rights—especially the right to keep and bear arms—advance individual liberty, and restore freedom through litigation and legal action, legislative and regulatory action, education, outreach, grassroots activism, other programs. FPC Law is the nation’s largest public interest legal team focused on the Second Amendment and adjacent fundamental rights including freedom of speech and due process, conducting litigation, research, scholarly publications, and amicus briefing, among other efforts.Firearms Policy Coalition

The post FPC Statement on 9th Circuit Order Injunction on ‘Assault Weapon’ Ban appeared first on AmmoLand.com.

from https://ift.tt/3cZ4BP9

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