Monday, October 28, 2019

Homemade guns and Explosives used in Halle Germany Rampage Murders

Images below were shared by Mike Linday with his permission, you can read Mike's article here.

Homemade guns and Explosives used in Halle Germany Rampage Murders
Homemade guns and Explosives used in Halle Germany Rampage Murders

U.S.A.-( Two people were killed in a planned rampage murder in Halle, Germany on 9 October, 2019.  Two more people were seriously injured and rushed to the hospital.

The attack was originally planned to massacre Jews at a local synagogue. But the synagogue had been recently fortified and closed-circuit TV cameras added to its security system. The increased fortification foiled the attack by preventing the attacker from gaining access.

In frustration, he killed two random Germans and wounded two others. He was captured by police and later confessed. From

A German synagogue targeted in an attempted mass shooting this week had been upgraded to fortify its main entrance and install security cameras, measures that probably saved the lives of dozens of people hiding inside.

The attack on Wednesday in the city of Halle left two people dead but the number could have been much higher as the gunman failed to break through the synagogue door, despite repeatedly shooting at it and attempting to blast it open with an improvised bomb.

The murderer live-streamed the events and had posted a “manifesto” of sorts online. Part of the manifesto was a description of the homemade weapons used by the attacker. Because of a news-blackout of the weapons. Mike Linday of the United Kingdom captured the information and wrote an article exposing the significant amount of weaponry the attacker had made at home. The attacker not only made homemade guns. His ammunition was homemade, as were a number of grenades and explosive charges. Mike agreed to allow publication of his article on AmmoLand News, as long as attribution was given. From

Thanks to the unique way social media censors the truth I will put the post that was originally on my page here. As a Journalist I find it extremely disturbing that a platform is censoring news and my views were deemed worthy of deletion.

Halle Germany.

A psychopath killed two people outside a synagogue in the eastern German city of Halle on Wednesday, filming his attack on a head-mounted camera and live streaming it in a method that was reminiscent of the attack on two New Zealand mosques earlier this year.

His firearms were homemade.

Below is from his “manifesto”.

Images below were shared by Mike Linday with his permission, you can read Mike's article here.
Images were shared by Mike Linday
Images below were shared by Mike Linday with his permission, you can read Mike's article here.
Images were shared by Mike Linday
Images below were shared by Mike Linday with his permission, you can read Mike's article here.
Images were shared by Mike Linday
Images below were shared by Mike Linday with his permission, you can read Mike's article here.
Images were shared by Mike Linday
Images below were shared by Mike Linday with his permission, you can read Mike's article here.
Images were shared by Mike Linday
Images below were shared by Mike Linday with his permission, you can read Mike's article here.
Images were shared by Mike Linday
Images below were shared by Mike Linday with his permission, you can read Mike's article here.
Images were shared by Mike Linday

Can we now admit that gun control doesn’t stop a madman with murderous intent?

Can we now admit it isn’t the object but rather the person using it that is the problem?

I will say it once more, these firearms are homemade, the ammunition is homemade, his explosives are homemade.

He successfully managed to kill 2 innocent people even with his crude ammunition and makeshift firearms.

You cannot legislate your way to safety by assuming the guilt of every citizen.

Your gun control failed.

Mike's point is that the German gun control failed. The murderer made his own, homemade weapons, and his own, homemade ammunition. The weapons were not made to commercial standards, but they worked well enough to kill people. It is unlikely commercial firearms would have been able to breech the fortified door at the synagogue. The Guardian notes it is the fortification and security system that saved the 70 Jews inside.

One of the murderer's desires was to show the futility of gun control restrictions.

U.S. supporters of gun control see it differently.  From the

It seems clear that if Balliet had been able to purchase weapons—if the scenario had happened in America—there would have been a massacre. (“God bless the Germans with their gun-control laws,” Waxman said.)

An attribute of true believers is the ability to twist any event to fit the narrative of their belief. Even though all the victims of the attack were unarmed, and unable to fight back, and while the murderer created his own weapons and ammunition in spite of the highly restrictive German gun control laws, their answer is gun control saved lives.

Gun control proponents are pushing for censorship to prevent people from having the information required to make guns.

About Dean Weingarten:Dean Weingarten

Dean Weingarten has been a peace officer, a military officer, was on the University of Wisconsin Pistol Team for four years, and was first certified to teach firearms safety in 1973. He taught the Arizona concealed carry course for fifteen years until the goal of constitutional carry was attained. He has degrees in meteorology and mining engineering, and recently retired from the Department of Defense after a 30 year career in Army Research, Development, Testing, and Evaluation.

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