
New York – -(AmmoLand.com)- Every year, on the Fourth of July, Americans take a day off from work to relax and enjoy an evening of hot dogs, hamburgers, cold brews, and fireworks.
But how many Americans recall—or for that matter, how many Americans, especially among the younger generations have even learned—the reason for our commemoration of the Fourth Day of July, every year; the reason for our celebration of it?
In this era that sees the creation of a plethora of inane new Holidays that kowtow to the dogma of American Collectivism and “Wokeness,” many seek, insidiously, to replace our truly noteworthy Holidays, of which three, The Fourth of July Holiday, Memorial Day, and Veterans Day stand apart as most significant.
Consider how Neo-Marxists have co-opted and befouled Columbus Day for their own use. It is now, through a proclamation by Joe Biden, to henceforth be referred to and celebrated as “Indigenous Peoples Day.” Thank you very much, Joe!
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Sign up for the Daily Digest email and protect the 2nd Amendment.And we see the insinuation of Holidays that celebrate Neo-Marxist “Wokeness” such as “Juneteenth Independence Day,” which undermines, as it was no doubt intended to do, the importance of our Nation’s one true “Independence Day” Holiday. Even the name, “Juneteenth” sounds ludicrous.
The creators and promoters of this new “Juneteenth Independence Day” Holiday intended to use it to slither around and into the Nation’s July fourth “Independence Day” Holiday.
But the Fourth of July is sacred.
It serves as a commemoration for the Birth of a Great Nation, conceived in freedom and liberty, and for those Americans, the First Patriots, who are remembered for their courage and sacrifices without which our Nation would have never come to be. It is for these reasons we celebrate every Fourth Day of July.
What, on the other hand, Juneteenth celebrates is anyone’s guess, but it has nothing whatsoever to do with the Birth and preservation of a free Constitutional Republic. If one were to hazard a guess Juneteenth celebrates the repudiation of the Birth of our Nation. It seeks to go back to a time before our Nation’s Birth and to abort the infant.
The American Revolution against Tyranny arguably commenced on April 15, 1775, just over one year before the signing of the Declaration of Independence on July 4, 1776, when the British “Redcoats” and the colonist “Minutemen” exchanged gunfire for the first time. The first major battle, the Battle of Bunker Hill,” took place on June 17, 17, 1775.
Some may argue the American Revolution effectively ended with the entrapment of the British Army on Virginia’s Yorktown peninsula in 1781, which forced General Cornwallis to surrender to a joint force of American and French troops.
Many would argue that the American Revolution officially ended with the ratification of the Paris Treaty, on September 3, 1783, when the original 13 States gained their independence from British Tyranny. See Timeline.
But a few might ask, did the American Revolution ever truly end? And, we do wonder, especially in this era of incessant, insidious, and noxious attacks on our Nation, on its history, heritage, and culture, on its people, on its Constitution, and on Christianity, the ethical, moral basis of the Nation.
Consider the slippery, slimy, sludgy way the legacy Press defiles the Fourth—much worse than simply calling for the abolishment of the Holiday because it doesn’t comply with historical Critical Race Theory revisionists, whose poison has infected the curricula of grade schools and high schools across the Country.
Consider an Op-Ed that appeared last month in the seditious New York Times: “Let’s Have a New Gun Law for Independence Day.”
So reads the title of an Op-Ed, by Gail Collins, a regular columnist for The New York Times. The Op-Ed appeared on June 16, 2022.
The irony in the title and in the content of the recent NY Times article is lost on its author. Collins, an anti-Second Amendment fanatic, judging from both the content and tone of her articles about guns in America, cannot appreciate the oddity and absurdity of juxtaposing gun control legislation with our Fourth of July Holiday.
But for the well-armed American colonists, the first American Patriots, we would not have a Country that ensures the very freedom and liberty that Gail Collins and others of like kind, incessantly, vociferously, and sanctimoniously disparage and debase.
Our Nation’s Founding Document, the “Declaration of Independence,” signed by the Country’s first Representatives on that momentous, pivotal Fourth day of July 1776, set forth the natural law right of free men to overthrow the tyranny of Government. That required a well-armed people—the very thing Collins seeks to destroy.
That Eighteenth-Century Tyrant, the British Empire, under the titular head George III, the reigning monarch, along with the financial, and actual head of the British Empire, the Central Bank of England—run by the immensely wealthy and ruthlessly covetous Rothschild Clan—were a mighty Foe.
George III is long since dead. But the effete and decadent monarchy, a relic long shorn of true power yet allowed to continue as an emblem of and living embodiment of extravagant Rothschild wealth, is much alive.
The Rothschild Banking Dynasty is intent on taking back control of the American colonies lost to it in the American Revolution that commenced in 1775, one year after drafting and signing of the Declaration of Independence. And newspapers like The New York Times, and its regular columnists, are helping the Neo-Marxist and Neoliberal Globalist overseers do just that. In fact, they are agents of these overseers.
Our Nation’s Fourth of July Holiday operates as a constant and a bitter-tasting reminder to the Rothschild Clan of what they lost to a ragtag band of colonialist malcontents, who, through stoutness of heart, the strength of will, and force of arms defeated the British military, successfully throwing off the yoke of a mighty Tyrant.
In her NY Times Op-Ed, Gail Collins, through her call for the erosion of the fundamental, unalienable natural law Right codified in the Second Amendment has, wittingly or not, attacked the very foundation of a free Republic and a sovereign people: the armed citizenry. Collins’ article is a perverse, defilement of a sacred Holiday.
Collins starts off her article with this——
“The Fourth of July is coming, and if all goes well — crossing many fingers — before Congress leaves town to celebrate, the House and Senate will have passed the first substantial gun safety legislation in nearly 30 years.
Yeah, the last big reform was in 1994.”
And, Collins ends her article with this——
“There’s a lot of territory to cover before we get to anyplace sane on the gun front. To anyplace near where surveys tell us the American people would like to go. But it’d be nice if, on July 4, we could celebrate with more fireworks and less gunfire.”
What “Americans” are you referring to Gail? You haven’t begun to see gunfire and what that looks like from 100 million American Patriots—if the present Tyrant attempts to confiscate our firearms.
The Arbalest Quarrel has constantly warned of the need for all Americans to remain vigilant to and armed against the dangers posed by the Destructors and Obstructors of a free Republic and a free and sovereign people. America’s enemies are everywhere, in every institution, in every business sector.
Well, Collins got her wish.
CBS News reported a while back:
“The House on Friday approved bipartisan gun legislation that was overwhelmingly approved by the Senate late the night before, sending it to President Biden for his signature. It marks the most significant update to the nation’s gun laws in nearly three decades.
The bill, called The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, passed the lower chamber by a vote of 234-193, with 14 Republicans joining all the Democrats.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi read the vote tally after it concluded to applause from the members of Congress on the floor.
Congress applauds the disembowelment of our Country?
And then there is the Grand Harlequin in Chief, Joe Biden who signed the damned thing.
The Washington Times Reports:
“President Biden on Saturday signed into law the nation’s first new gun control bill in decades, one day after Congress passed the legislation marking a huge victory for Democrats.
‘This is a monumental day,’ Mr. Biden said during a brief signing ceremony at the White House. ‘This is a time, when it seems impossible to get anything done in Washington, we are doing something consequential.’”
Is there any greater proof of tyranny existent and thriving in “our” Federal Government to see The Executive Branch of the Federal Government, along with the Legislative Branch, cheering and extolling actions directed to the dissolution of America’s armed citizenry?
The Fourth of July celebration, at its core, really stands as a renewal of faith in the Nation’s armed citizenry, the very thing the Nation’s Obstructors and Destructors seek to abolish.
If not for America’s armed Patriots, back then, our free Constitutional Republic would never have existed.
And but for the preservation of the Nation’s armed Patriots, today, a free Constitutional Republic will not, cannot continue to exist.
NY Times’ Gail Collins’ Independence Day article does not constitute a tribute to the memory of America’s First Patriots. And the recent Anti-Second Amendment bill, now signed into law by Democrats and feckless Republicans, amounts to the renunciation of our Nation as a free Constitutional Republic and of the indomitable spirit of those First Patriots.
The Government and the Press make a mockery of our Nation’s first Patriots, and all in the name of present-day Neo-Marxist “wokeness.”
The Arbalest Quarrel warned of this. At the start of our Independence Day tribute of 2020, we wrote,
“Dear Fellow Americans,
As we approach the celebration on Independence Day this coming July 4th weekend, we should think about the significance of the War that was fought against tyranny and the sacrifices that were made to give us a Nation unlike any other; one conceived in liberty. We should give thanks to our founders, and give serious thought to where we are today, and how we see ourselves tomorrow. . . this Country can hardly be in a celebratory spirit, as the very words, ‘nationalism’ and ‘patriotism’ are treated like obscenities.”
We witness two-legged predators laying waste the Land, destroying property, intimidating innocent Americans, causing bedlam and mayhem. The police, under fire, are ordered to stand down. Government cowers. Law and Order breaks down everywhere. The seditious Press and Radical Left members of Congress, along with Radical Left State Governors and City Mayors give their blessing to the perpetrators of this violence.”
The title of our Fourth of July 2020 tribute qua warning, was: an “Important Message to All Americans on Independence Day 2020.”
And, for our Independence Day Tribute in 2021, we wrote in pertinent part,
“. . .as Independence Day 2021 also looms, the Marxist Democrat leadership is loath to disparage it outright, at least for the moment. But will the Independence Day Holiday remain free from Marxist Democrat defilement; will it exist next year if only because it comes prior to the 2022 midterm elections; and, if so, will it then exist the year after if the Marxist Democrats prevail, after the midterm elections, thereby maintaining their majority in Congress? The answer is, ‘not likely,’ at least not in the sense that Independence Day will thereafter have any true import, for it will no longer retain its cherished historical meaning as a Holiday of Remembrance. The Holiday, if it continues to exist, would exist, only, if at all, as a caricature of what it once represented, a pale, fleeting distant memory, a memory for some, for a while, perhaps, of what it once represented; its import and purport eventually disappearing from memory forever because the Neo-Marxist/Globalist Counterrevolution to the American Revolution of 1776 would have succeeded.
America’s Neo-Marxists and Neoliberal Globalists must annihilate the Fourth of July Holiday because it operates each year, every year, as recognition of and a defiant expression of Patriots who rallied, on July 4, 1776, against the tyrannical Government of Great Britain’s George III and against the power behind the throne—the Bank of Rothschild.
The title of that article is, “Marxists Seek To Disarm Citizens, Eliminate All National Holidays, Monuments, And The Nation’s Flag!”
We followed up that July 2021 article with one in November 2021. We began by referencing what we had written apropos of our 2020 tribute, asking,
“Has anything changed, almost seventeen months later? Yes, the threat to our Nation has only grown direr.
The Trotting Horse of American Marxism and Neoliberal Globalism is now running at full gallop. It is charging directly toward a formidable defense to be sure—the Bill of Rights. But it is determined to break through, destroying the Constitution of the United States, annihilating a free Republic, subjugating a free and sovereign people.”
The title of that article was,
“The Right To Dissent And The Right To Dissent And The Right To Bear Arms Are A Bulwark Against Tyranny.”
Back in 2021 we were less secure than we were in 2020. And now, in 2022, we are even less secure than we were in 2021.
The Neo-Marxist and Neoliberal Globalist captains and lieutenants and foot soldiers of the Rothschild-Soros gang have conquered back everything they had lost from the years that President Trump had tried—and accomplished to his credit, under great odds—much of his goal to make America Great Again.
But, with the puppet-masters lackeys in firm control of two Branches of Government, with their eye on undermining the Third, and with their control over most of the Press, media, Academia, and over much of Corporate America, the American citizenry has never stood closer to utter ruin than now.
Americans are witnessing the collapse of their Republic, the loss of their sovereignty over Government, and the further erosion of their most cherished and sacred Rights and Liberties with each passing day.
Americans are in danger of losing everything vital to the maintenance of the last bastion of freedom—the United States—in a world awash in misery stemming from tyranny of government.
The U.S. Supreme Court did provide us Americans with a reprieve in Bruen, by reaffirming the right of the people to keep and bear arms. But that will not be enough. America’s true Patriots must reaffirm that sacred right at each moment as they take a breath of air.
Keep your arms and ammunition always close at hand. The Tyrant is knocking at your door!
About The Arbalest Quarrel:
Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.
For more information, visit: www.arbalestquarrel.com.
from https://ift.tt/BwiRcn8
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