Friday, July 22, 2022

Appeasement Has Led To A New Assault Weapons Ban

AR15 pile of Guns Rifles SMG iStock FabrikaCr 949369336
Appeasement Has Led To A New Assault Weapons Ban iStock FabrikaCr 949369336

WASHINGTON, D.C. -( When certain apologists wrote that the NRA-backed politicians that voted for the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act were being strategic and headed off more extreme gun control, I questioned their thinking. Well, it looks like I was right.

AmmoLand News believes in free speech and diversity of thought. Not all the contributors think that the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act was a betrayal of gun owners like I do. Some saw it as a strategic move to satisfy the Democrats’ thirst for gun control. On the other hand, I thought the gun grabbers would be encouraged by the Republicans buckling to the anti-gun lobby. What the Republicans were trying to accomplish was to appease anti-gun politicians. For some reason, the Republican leadership in the Senate believed that through a policy of appeasement, the Democrats would back down from some of their more extreme anti-gun measures.

These Republicans were not students of history. If they were, they would know APPEASEMENT never works! Just look at Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement of the NAZIs before the Battle of Britain. All it did was embolden Hitler to take over most of Europe before he eventually set his sights on the UK. Look at Madilyn Albrights giving aid to North Korea in exchange for them dropping their nuclear aspirations. A couple of years later, they became a nuclear power threatening the whole region. Then there was Obama flying cash to Iran. That effort also failed. Appeasement failed then, and it is failing now.

We are seeing the product of the Republican’s policy of appeasement now. Earlier this week, the House of Representatives passed a so-called “assault weapons” ban out of the House Judiciary, meaning that the next stop for the bill will be the Floor of the House, where it will pass. Anti-gun groups are celebrating it as the closest an “assault weapons” ban has gotten to passing in 20 years. The proposed ban would see most semi-automatic rifles banned for having certain cosmetic features. The next stop will be the Senate, where it should be dead on arrival because of the filibuster, but I don’t have complete faith that Republicans will not betray gun owners again.

The Dems smell blood in the water. They also know that they are likely to get crushed in the upcoming mid-term election, so for them, it is all or nothing. Appeasement has once again put us at risk of tyranny becoming law. It is time to stop thinking that Republicans are playing some type of 4D Chess. They are playing checkers and are about to get jumped.

So, what can we do?

First, call and email your Senators and make noise. Some people say that doesn’t work but believe it or not, it does. Call your national gun rights groups and push them to get involved instead of just fundraising. Very few of these groups were in DC pushing against the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, although almost all came out against the bill. That can’t be allowed to happen again. Call and ask if they have lobbyists on the group in DC. Ask them about their lobbying efforts. Everyone needs to be on the same page. Our lobbyists can’t be outnumbered again. Even though we can’t match the Bloomberg-funded groups spending, we can beat them with grassroots efforts. Remember, the best person to lobby for your rights is you!

If everything goes to hell and a ban does pass, then it is time to think about civil disobedience by non-compliance, but that is a big ask with a real risk of harsh consequences. But we will cross that bridge when we must. Until then, remain ever vigilant and ever free.

About John Crump

John is a NRA instructor and a constitutional activist. John has written about firearms, interviewed people of all walks of life, and on the Constitution. John lives in Northern Virginia with his wife and sons and can be followed on Twitter at @crumpyss, or at

John Crump


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