Friday, July 8, 2022

More Self Defense at Home and at Work

Crazy Attackers, Robbers, and Convicts – More Self Defense Gun Stories iStock-1085735902
Armed Citizen Stops Criminal Attack in Her Front Yard iStock-1085735902

U.S.A. -( You probably didn’t see these stories covered by the mainstream news media, but again last week, responsible gun owners defended themselves and the people they love. Self-defense instructor Tony Simon joins the Self Defense Gun Stories Podcast to look at four new examples. Were these gun owners lucky, or did they have a plan?

First story- Do you have a firearm nearby at night?

You’re at home just after midnight. You’re startled by the sound of breaking glass and splintered wood. You get up to find two young men in your home. They attack you. The news reports are not clear if you were armed before you met your attackers or if you had to fight your way back to your gun. You shoot your attackers. They run back outside your home.

You stay inside and call 911. Police find your attackers on your front lawn. You put your gun away. Emergency Medical Services transport your attackers to the hospital. You give a brief statement to the police. You’re treated by EMS for the injuries you sustained during the attack, but do not need to go to the hospital.

You don’t know your attackers. They are declared dead at the hospital. They were 15 and 16 years old and did not live in your town.

Second Story- Do you have a firearm nearby after the sun comes up?

You are at home and asleep a little before 9 in the morning. You wake up when you hear the sound of someone breaking down your door. You call 911. A stranger enters your bedroom and attacks you. The news reports are not clear if you had your gun in your hand or if you had to fight your way to your gun. You shoot your attacker until he stops hitting you. He runs out of your bedroom. You stay inside and wait for the police.

Police find your attacker. It isn’t clear if he died at the scene or was transported to the hospital before he died. You’re treated by EMS. The police identify your attacker as someone who lived nearby.

You are not charged with a crime.

Third story- Are you armed at work at night?

You’re sitting in your car taking a break from your job as a clerk in a convenience store. It is about 10 pm when a man climbs into your car and demands your keys. You tell him to leave and he wont. You get our of your car and run back into the store. Your attacker chases you. You’re armed and you present your firearm. The attacker says he’ll kill you. You shout for him to leave. He grabs you and tries to take your gun. You shoot him. Now he stops. You back away and call 911.

You holster your gun when the police arrive. You give them a brief statement. Emergency medical services say your attacker died at the scene.

The police were headed your way before you called them. Your attacker was being taken to a mental hospital by his family when he jumped out of their car. He was then struck by another car before he found you sitting in your vehicle.

You are not charged with a crime.

Fourth story- Are you armed at work?

You are a sales clerk working behind the counter. You are helping a customer when you see a stranger move behind the display cases. He walks up to the cash register, opens the cash drawer, and takes some money. You shout for him to get out of there. The stranger turns toward you and draws a knife.

You’re armed. You have your carry permit. You present your firearm and shoot your attacker two times. Your attacker drops his knife and runs outside. You stop shooting. You shout to your co-workers and call 911.

Police find your attacker outside. EMS takes him to the hospital. The police were already on the way since your attacker stole a pair of pants from the clothing store next door. You give the police a brief statement. They interview witnesses. The police find the knife inside the store.

The news article doesn’t mention it, but there was probably a security video too because you are working in a gun shop.

Your attacker is declared dead at the scene.

A discussion of each story is at the Self Defense Gun Stories podcast webpage.


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