Thursday, July 14, 2022

One NY County’s Struggle With Hochul’s New Gun Law

Gun Lock Control NRA-ILA
One NY County’s Struggle With Hochul’s New Gun LawIMG NRA-ILA

USA – -( Ever since the Bruen decision reminded State Legislators of their Constitutional boundaries when it comes to the 2nd Amendment, overzealous, anti-gun Governors have defiantly searched for new ways to continue violating the rights of their citizens. New York, the state that triggered The Bruen case, may be the most defiant of all.

Since Clarence Thomas’ carefully written decision, appointed Governor Hochul pushed a package of unconstitutional gun laws known as “The Concealed Carry Improvement Act” through the state legislature during an “emergency session” (similar to her predecessor’s “midnight signing” of the NY SAFE Act), turning the New York State pistol permitting process upside down. The new package of gun restrictions includes:

  • Expanding on eligibility requirements in the concealed carry permitting process, including completed firearm training courses for applicants.
  • Allowing the state to regulate and standardize training for license applicants.
  • Restricting the carrying of concealed weapons in sensitive locations and establishing that private property owners must expressly allow a person to possess a firearm, rifle, or shotgun on their property. Individuals who carry concealed weapons in sensitive locations or in contravention of the authority of an owner of private property will face criminal penalties.
  • Establishing state oversight over background checks for firearms and regular checks on license holders for criminal convictions.
  • Creating a statewide license and ammunition database.
  • Strengthening and clarifying the law relating to the sale of body armor to include hard body armor, such as the type worn by the suspect in the Buffalo shooting and the safe storage of firearms.

Besides replacing the SCOTUS’s rejected “proper cause” requirement with her new “good moral character” requirement, Hochul’s training requirements would require a new firearm course be created to satisfy the law. In defiance of Constitutional rights, Lieutenant Governor Antonio Delgado said. “With this action, New York has sent a message to the rest of the country that we will not stand idly by and let the Supreme Court reverse years of sensible gun regulations.”

A recent email from an Attorney at the New York Sheriff’s Council was leaked by an individual at the Saratoga County Sheriff’s Office which indicated that there could be a temporary halt on New York State’s pistol permits between September 1 (when the new law goes into effect) and April 1, (the deadline for the creation of the new pistol course). Rightfully so, this has gun owners wondering how the 2nd Amendment can simply be suspended for 7 months just because a law was signed without the proper protocols having first been put in place. Apparently, Hochul had no regard for that as long as she was able to make her legislative statement and show her defiance toward the Supreme Court.

Lawsuits are being filed by Gun Owners of America (GOA), Gun Owners Foundation, Ukrainian immigrant Ivan Atonyu and several others against New York State for its continued gun grab and this will likely result in a restraining order on Hochul’s new package of gun laws. The permitting process will likely continue as usual in the meantime.

I recently spoke to someone in the court system who has direct knowledge from Saratoga County Judge Murphy. According to the source, the leaked email excerpt was not Judge Murphy or Saratoga County Sheriff Zurlo’s decision. It was the suggestion of an Attorney at the State Sheriff’s Office which was passed on to Saratoga County among others. Judge Murphy and Sheriff Zurlo basically said, “thanks but no thanks,” and have no plans to delay or hinder the permitting process in Saratoga County. This includes the requirement to “meet with the Judge” to determine “good moral character.” Will other New York Counties take the same approach?

The Saratoga County Sheriff and Judge do not agree with the recommendation from the Sheriff Council Lawyer. The Saratoga County Sheriff and Judge are proceeding with the teaching of the classes, issuing licenses, and keeping the pipeline open. I was told there will be no stoppage of the issuing of permits during this time.

Kevin Zacharewicz, NRA Instructor, Owner Zack’s Sports Inc., Member Training House, LLC and firearms course creator said, “As of September 1st, Saratoga County is moving forward with the State’s new requirements of an 18-hour course.” He also said he believes the State Legislators passed a law that the county or even state was not ready for but is assured Saratoga County will be ready.

The Democrats in the state legislature have created quite a problem for county sheriff departments and others who are tasked with enforcing gun laws and meeting requirements that clearly violate the rights of New York gun owners. It is now the job of our elected county officials to defend the rights of the people who put them in office. It appears Saratoga County is attempting to do that despite the draconian laws coming down at the State level. The question now becomes; what are other counties doing to either prepare for the new gun laws or protect New York gun owners from them while we wait for Hochul’s dream gun grab to be defeated in court?

About Dan Wos, Author – Good Gun Bad Guy

Dan Wos is available for Press Commentary. For more information contact PR HERE

Dan Wos is a nationally recognized 2nd Amendment advocate and Author of the “GOOD GUN BAD GUY” series. He speaks at events, is a contributing writer for many publications, and can be found on radio stations across the country. Dan has been a guest on the Sean Hannity Show, NRATV, and several others. Speaking on behalf of gun-rights, Dan exposes the strategies of the anti-gun crowd and explains their mission to disarm law-abiding American gun-owners.

Dan Wos
Dan Wos


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