U.S.A. –-(AmmoLand.com)- On the day a crazed killer murdered 19 children and two teachers at an Uvalde, Texas elementary school, an ironically-timed Rasmussen poll revealed 50 percent of likely voters “don’t think stricter gun control would help” prevent mass shootings, while anti-gunners including Joe Biden quickly exploited the horrific crime to push for more gun restrictions.
In reaction to the shooting, two of the nation’s largest gun rights organizations issued a joint statement, challenging the Biden administration to stop “demonizing” gun owners and manufacturers and “bring them to the table and benefit from their knowledge.”
Biden’s 24-minute reaction to the deadly shooting at Robb Elementary School started with comforting words but at just over two minutes into his comments, he launched a tirade against gun manufacturers and the so-called “gun lobby.”
“As a nation,” Biden declared, “we have to ask: When in God’s name are we going to stand up to the gun lobby? When in God’s name will we do what we all know in our gut needs to be done?”
He invoked the Deity seven times in various forms, including “For God’s Sake,” “What in God’s Name?” and “When in God’s name?” He acknowledged spending his “career as a senator and as Vice President working to pass ‘commonsense’ gun laws,” which, to the firearms community, translates to extremist gun control measures and gun prohibition.
Legitimate, law-abiding American gun owners are today as outraged and saddened as everyone else by the horrible acts of a crazed murderer in Uvalde, Texas. The Second Amendment Foundation and Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms join our fellow citizens to grieve the unimaginable loss suffered by the Uvalde community and the citizens of Texas.
The past 24 hours have allowed us to learn far more about the killer and the circumstances surrounding his deplorable act of violence. Unlike anti-gun-rights politicians including Joe Biden, who quickly exploited this horror to push an agenda aimed at diminishing the Second Amendment and shifting blame to millions of gun owners, we waited for more information.
If there is blame beyond that of the killer, it must be shared by political leaders whose policies have turned our public schools into soft targets, and by self-appointed activists and school boards that have resisted school resource officer programs, opposed and prohibited programs that train teachers and staff to provide armed first response in an emergency, while perpetuating dangerous “Gun Free School Zone” laws.
President Biden demanded “commonsense gun laws.” We believe it is time for common sense, period. We spend billions of dollars on foreign aid. We can provide millions of dollars to local law enforcement agencies for school resource officers. We protect our politicians with armed security. Let’s protect our schools to the same degree.
Let’s take advantage of a great resource: our retired military and law enforcement professionals. They protected our nation and our communities. They can easily protect our school children.
Instead of demonizing gun owners and the firearms industry, bring them to the table and benefit from their knowledge. Together we can succeed where the gun prohibition agenda has disastrously and repeatedly failed.
Rasmussen’s survey occurred May 19-20, just four days before an 18-year-old killer shot and seriously wounded his grandmother, then fled and crashed a truck in a ditch, and subsequently running into the nearby elementary school. There, according to various reports, he entered a single classroom and opened fire. All of the victims died in that room.
According to Rasmussen’s survey—taken as a reaction to the Tops supermarket shooting in Buffalo, N.Y.—40 percent of likely voters think stricter gun laws would help prevent such shootings and 10 percent aren’t sure. What is certain is that more Democrats (63%) than Republicans (31%) and Independents (41%) think tougher gun laws are the answer.
Even Biden acknowledged, “We can’t and won’t prevent every tragedy.” But, he insisted tougher gun laws work.
In addition to the joint statement above, Alan Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, said Wednesday in reaction to the Uvalde attack, “Gun free school zones have never worked. They just create a target-rich environment for crazed killers to exploit. Our children deserve the same kind of protection that government officials and high-end jewelry stores get.”
Various commentators were saying much the same thing in the aftermath of the shooting.
The killer was identified as Salvador Ramos. He was shot dead as a tactical team moved in, under a hail of gunfire. According to Fox News, several lawmen were hit.
Biden was hardly alone in his effort to capitalize on the tragedy. Fox News separately is reporting on remarks from anti-gun Democrats, some of them vulgar and very personal.
For example, Congressman Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) sent a tweet to California Republican Rep. Darrell Issa, telling him, “F— your prayers. They haven’t worked for the last 20 mass shootings how about passing laws that will stop these killings?” He also tweeted Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, “Just to be clear f— you @tedcruz you f—ing baby killer.”
Anti-gun Democrat Sen. Chris Murphy of Connecticut spoke on the Senate floor, asking his colleagues, “Why do you spend all this time running for the United States Senate… if your answer, is as the slaughter increases, as our kids run for their lives, we do nothing?”
Even Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot jumped into the spotlight, declaring, “As a nation, we simply cannot allow this to continue. Every single day, children and young people are losing their lives to people who do not value the sanctity of life and take advantage of the unabated presence of firearms in our communities.”
Lightfoot presides over the bloodiest city in the country, where the annual number of municipal homicides exceeds that of most states. Last year, more than 800 slayings were reported in the Windy City, according to the Chicago Tribune. Lightfoot demanded, “Now more than ever, we must push our legislators to pass sweeping and effective gun control measures. Our children’s lives depend on it.”
And Everytown for Gun Safety, the Michael Bloomberg-backed gun prohibition lobbying group, was not to be outdone. They sent a 376-word message over the name of José Alfaro, He/Him/El, Director of Latinx Leadership and Community Engagement, which ended with a request for contributions “to end gun violence.”
About Dave Workman
Dave Workman is a senior editor at TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.
from https://ift.tt/E73fRst
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