WASHINGTON, D.C. – -(Ammoland.com)- Gun Owners of America (GOA) released a statement in response to the shooting in Buffalo, New York yesterday, which left ten people dead and three others wounded.
GOA Spokesperson Stephen Willeford—the armed citizen who engaged and put a stop to the Sutherland Springs, Texas shooter (who was also wearing body armor) five years ago—released the following statement this evening:
“This weekend an evil individual murdered innocent Americans in order to ‘becom[e] infamous’ and spread his hateful ideology. Tragically, politicians and the anti-gun media played right into his trap by immediately sowing division and calling for more gun control laws.
New York already has some of the strictest gun control in the nation, which failed to prevent this tragedy. Indeed, this murderer specifically targeted New Yorkers knowing that the state had virtually ‘outlawed’ concealed carry.
As someone who used a firearm to stop a mass murderer, I know that the only thing that can stop an evil person with a gun intent on doing harm, is a good guy or gal with a gun.
I desperately urge the state of New York to recognize the Constitutional right of the people to carry firearms for self-defense before the Supreme Court must force their hand in the coming months, lest another heinous attack occur!
We all mourn these senseless deaths, but I especially want to commemorate the life of the heroic security guard who fired back and gave his life defending others, Aaron Salter.
What happened to Aaron could well have happened to me. That is why I always urge those who carry for self-defense to train often and for all scenarios, including fighting back against those wearing body armor.”
New York already has some of the strictest gun laws in the country, yet they continue to see historic increases in violent crime. Among some of their most radical policies, the State enforces:
- universal background checks,
- Red Flag gun confiscation orders,
- a ban on so-called “assault weapons,”
- a ban on standard capacity magazines,
a near impossible to meet “proper cause” requirement for concealed carry permit issuance, - and several ammunition controls.
Stephen Willeford and Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, are available for interviews.
About Gun Owners of America
Gun Owners of America is a nonprofit grassroots lobbying organization dedicated to protecting the right to keep and bear arms without compromise. GOA represents over two million members and activists. For more information, visit GOA’s Press Center.
from https://ift.tt/8md6Cjc
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