USA – -(Ammoland.com)- Why Save National Rifle Association, Why Now?
Restore the NRA was created to give NRA members the means to stem the flow of NRA’s reputation, assets, and programs from going down the drain.
It was created to provide a means to address the courts regarding cases involving the NRA. To raise the funds to pay legal expenses resulting from such efforts to save and restore the NRA. Our efforts in the NRA Bankruptcy requesting the Court appoint an independent Examiner were cut short when the NYAG won her motion to dismiss the NRA bankruptcy. If we had succeeded in getting the order appointing an Examiner executive leadership would have been removed from office. At the time of the hearing, we were drafting the reorganization plan. That plan has the goal of the National Rifle Association being operated by a small committee of members vetted and approved by the Court. It would have required the oversight of a “Special Master” appointed by the Court of the Management Committee.
The Committee would be tasked with several goals:
- Search Committee for executive and management talent.
- Review of all contracts in force at the time of appointment.
- Review and rewrite the corporate governance structure, simplify and clarify the bylaws, restoring the access to be on the Board of Director’s Ballot by petition with a reasonable signature requirement and a fixed number of signatures. Restore the Board of Director’s oversight and require staff to respond to direction and supply information.
- Train staff, Board members, and officers in the law, the bylaws of the association, and their proper application to situations likely to present themselves to the Leadership.
- Seek financial restitution for the benefit of the membership and punish those who have misappropriated NRA assets.
- Assess the true state of NRA operations, determine shortcomings and rectify them.
- Complete an Inventory of NRA Assets, especially in the National Firearms Museum. [rumors are the collection is being sold off or mismanaged]
- Begin the process of addressing decades of neglect at the NRA HQ in Fairfax, Va.
Why Now? Time flies:
After the dismissal of the bankruptcy, it took time to regroup. While a deviation from the original plan after the NYAG Sued NRA. The diversion to attempt restoration of NRA in the Bankruptcy was an opportunity to address the panorama of wrongdoing inside NRA. It also would have been much faster than the NY civil court. The other thing that mandated my entry into the bankruptcy case was the ethics rules I must follow as a sitting Judge.
When a fraud is perpetrated on any court is known by a judge, it must be reported. When an attorney violates his or her own ethics rules it must be reported.( I am still working on those ethics complaints.) The failure of NRA counsel, Wayne LaPierre, and the 3 president’s to inform the board of the plan to file bankruptcy after months of preparation and then a week after that Board meeting filing the bankruptcy with the sworn statement the bankruptcy was approved by the board of directors was an act of fraud, perjury. Deceiving the Board to approve the creation of the special litigation committee and not reveal why was a lie of omission. They according to press reports spent the annual dues of 400,000 members trying to escape the clutches of the NYAG suit with their harebrained legal strategy.
After the Order of Dismissal of the bankruptcy due to the filing in bad faith, it was time to regroup and go back to my day job and determine the best path to take from there.
Then we had the efforts of Frank Taite and Rocky Marshal to intervene in the NYAG lawsuit. I wanted to give them a clean shot at becoming active litigants in that case. I did not want to hurt their chances in any way. Sadly, they came up short. I could not enter into their attorney’s contract as presented due to its provisions that I believe would have violated the rules for judges.
Why Ever?
Many, too many, believe NRA is not worth saving. That the sins of executive management warrant such and they assume other organizations would pick up the slack. One thing I observed watching this case unfold is many individuals believe they should be Wayne Lapierre’s successor. I have no such desire. I also observed that while many wish to have NRA’s money and political power, no one wants to take up the mantle of things like competitions, youth programs, and many other tasks NRA accomplishes. Well at least used to do. Others don’t want those tasks because they are “loss leaders”. But they are NRA’s core missions. They are the things that never make the news. They are the things the future of the shooting sports is completely dependent on.
Every day that passes is an opportunity lost and NRA’s financial condition deteriorates further. While Judge Cohen in Manhattan, NY dismissed the NYAG plea to dissolve NRA so she can’t keep her campaign promise to destroy the NRA. She can get there by other means. If she ignores her statutory duty to protect the membership’s interest and as she has requested chooses the special master. She can run it into the ground and go back to the judge and say she tried and keep her promise.
After all who would donate to an NRA run by an anti-rights politician.
I believe this is the last exit for the NRA Board. After watching the 12-day bankruptcy hearing I have come to the realization that the NYAG will meet her burden of proof in the NY court. If the Board does not choose LTC Allen West to be the next EVP I believe the NY Court will choose Wayne LaPierre’s replacement for them. Re-electing LaPierre to EVP on Monday will prove to the court this Board is captured by Wayne LaPierre and they will be disbanded by the Court.
The truth is if you care about the shooting sports I need your help. If you care about youth and beginners programs I need your help. If you care about our heritage, the national matches, or your State Association I need your help. If you want to preserve our rights you must help. If you know a better or cheaper way I am all ears.
If NRA falls many other things we all care about will also fall like dominoes. Concerned NRA members need to make their voice heard at the upcoming meeting of members.
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Phillip Journey was NRA’s political activist of the year in 1993. He helped write NRA’s 1st grassroots manual has worked in over 100 campaigns at the local and state level. Phil served in the Kansas Senate and is now running for re-election to his 4th term as Judge in the largest city in his State and faces a general election opponent. He was recently elected to the NRA Board and will be sworn in after the Tucson meeting.
from https://ift.tt/bq079Wa
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