U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “If you support background checks to filter lawful gun owners from those who shouldn’t get lethal weapons, then you oppose Brian Kemp’s criminal carry law,” Georgia Democrat gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams tweeted Monday. “Law enforcement understands #CriminalCarry is a dangerous new loophole. #KempDoesntCare”
Gary Coleman’s trademark line on Different Strokes comes to mind.
One, of course, has nothing to do with the other. Nothing in the new permitless (“Constitutional Carry”) law sanctions “prohibited persons” to purchase or bear arms. And Abrams knows that.
Yet by exploiting a bully pulpit that allows her every proclamation, no matter how inane, to get mass exposure, Abrams has helped to create and spread a widespread meme that will register with — and scare — the segment of the voting public that doesn’t know any better:
“Criminal carry.”
Don’t take my word for it. Look at how manipulatively weighted search engines like Google make sure the term is disseminated far and wide every time a prominent Democrat, media outlet, or gun-grabber (but I repeat myself) uses it.
That, in turn, enables them to make another widespread claim they use to further the citizen disarmament agenda:
“It also reflects another core pitch from Abrams: That demanding new limits on guns isn’t a liberal value, but a mainstream one. Her campaign often cites a recent Atlanta Journal-Constitution poll that shows most Georgia voters support additional gun restrictions.”
Note every time we see such results trumpeted as “proof” of popular demand, what’s always missing is what those polled actually understand about existing and proposed infringements, and the universal failure of all such edicts to solve the problems they futilely promised to address. Abrams’ base invites their being used – and I’m talking about the voters who give her the numbers, not the out-of-state special interest agenda billionaire donors who know exactly what they’re doing. Blaming guns and demanding more “government” money for “community programs” pushes the right emotional buttons and absolves them from having to even think about, let alone implement any self-directed changes.
That lets them not raise an eyebrow when Abrams spews out a self-contradicting Orwellian whopper like:
“I want common-sense gun regulation because I believe in the Second Amendment. And if we want to protect the right to bear arms, we’ve got to protect the people in the state of Georgia and that is my mission.”
Protect the people by undermining their right to keep and bear arms and by denying them the very tools they need to defend themselves individually and collectively? All the while justifying that with her non-sequitur fondness for eating chicken and promising no gun bans while at the same time, she proposes banning semiautos, magazines, and ammunition…?
The same guns carried by her supporters?
Who would be ignorant enough to fall for that? Based on results, millions throughout the Republic, citizenship malpractitioners who no longer ask, but demand to know what their country can do for them, voters influenced by emotion over reality and image over substance. As an aside, it’s fair to wonder if Star Trek Discovery’s worshipful portrayal of Abrams as President of Earth might not be considered an “in-kind contribution” that money can’t buy.
OK, so Abrams is anti-gun, she lies to advance her agenda, and the elites and the media help her get away with it. There are no revelations that will come as a surprise to regular AmmoLand readers. The thing is, just consuming them here or adding further insights (and there are plenty more of them) in “Comments” will do nothing to mitigate the danger her potential electoral victory – and the victory of those like her – will pose.
One takeaway that can be sifted from the polls is that some people who express support for more gun laws don’t know the truth and also don’t realize the very framing of the questions is generally a setup. So, if you’re interested in using the information to affect that and wake up people who haven’t thought about this stuff before, don’t count on anyone doing that but you.
Maybe if you see something in the paper that’s wrong, you can write a letter to the editor. Maybe you can correct a lie being spread on “social media” and use it for advocacy media (and yeah, I know all the objections). Maybe you can advise representatives who are long on good intentions but short on experience on how to rebut lies their opponents will throw out. Maybe you have something else original and potentially effective in mind, in which case, educate the rest of us. Who knows what such efforts will yield?
There will be no shortage of excuses not to do any of this. It’s the ones who are already doing it, or who plan to do it that I’d like to hear thoughts from and thank.
Also see: ‘Stacey Abrams’ on AmmoLand
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
from https://ift.tt/EYZv1h7
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