Already alarmed by several restrictive gun control bills, Washington state gun owners are now outraged over the introduction of House Bill 1504, a measure which would prohibit not just the purchase, but the possession of a firearm unless that gun is “Insured under a firearm liability policy or covered by a firearm liability bond.”
It is an idea that has been proposed elsewhere around the country. According to an article in the South Carolina Law Review, “Until recently, no mandate had been enacted. In 2022, San Jose, California, and New Jersey passed laws requiring gun owners to carry liability insurance. But are insurance mandates likely to affect either the incidence of gun violence or the economic burden borne by the government or the victim? And are they likely to escape the courts unscathed?”
Second Amendment activists reacted on the Washington 2025 Legislative Action Group’s Facebook page with a mix of anger and contempt, coupled with vows of resistance if/when this proposal becomes law.
HB 1504 was introduced by anti-gun-rights Rep. Kristine Reeves, and she is joined by seven other lawmakers—all far-left Democrats associated with other gun control legislation—including Representatives Beth Doglio, Lauren Davis, Julia Reed, Timm Ormsby, Alex Ramel, Gerry Pollet, and My-Linh Thai.
As spelled out in the 18-page bill:
“(1)(a) No person in this state may purchase or possess a firearm unless that person is:
“(i) Insured under a firearm liability policy or covered by a firearm liability bond meeting the requirements of subsection (2) of this section;
“(ii) Self-insured as provided in subsection (3) of this section; or
“(iii) Covered by a certificate of deposit meeting the requirements of subsection (4) of this section.
“(b) Compliance with this requirement constitutes financial 20 responsibility for the purpose of this section. Proof of financial responsibility to purchase or possess a firearm must be provided on the request of a dealer or law enforcement officer in the format specified under subsection (5) of this section.”
Evergreen State attorney Bill Kirk, president of Washington Gun Law and an authority on firearms laws in the state, was so alarmed by this measure he put together a video alert in which he unabashedly predicted if passed into law, it will be the “tipping point” to drive gun owners out of the state.
It is not the first time gun owner insurance has been pushed by Democrats in Olympia. Last year, the idea was proposed by then-State Sen. Patty Kuderer, a Bellevue Democrat who has now become the State Insurance Commissioner. As reported at the time by the Daily Olympian, Kuderer’s bill would have required Washington gun owners to carry liability insurance “to cover the losses or damages resulting from any accidental use of a firearm,” she said at the time.
The newspaper reported at the time that more than 1,100 people signed up to oppose the legislation at a hearing, and another 776 people signed up to support it. Opponents included Yakima County Commissioner Amanda McKinney, an outspoken critics of the idea.
As critics have observed, this is one more attempt by Democrats to penalize law-abiding gun owners for crimes they don’t commit, and make it financially difficult, if not impossible, to own a gun in the state. Many wonder if that is the underlying motive.
According to an article published by Lockton Affinity Outdoor, “If such bills were to become law in the future, gunowners may be required to obtain special insurance coverage. Supporters say the idea is similar to laws requiring owners of automobiles to obtain car insurance.”
But wait a minute, gun rights advocates might observe, owning and driving a motor vehicle is a privilege, whereas gun ownership is a fundamental right protected by the U.S. Constitution and most state constitutions. If HB 1504 becomes law, lawsuits are guaranteed.
Under the language of HB 1504:
“(a) A firearm liability policy or bond under this section must:
(i) Be issued by an insurance company or surety company authorized to do business in this state;
(ii) provide at least $25,000 of coverage per incident arising from accidental or unintentional discharge of the covered firearm causing injury, death, or property damage; and
(iii) identify the specific firearm covered by the policy or bond.
(b) Firearm liability policies and bonds must be obtained on a per-firearm basis, with a separate policy or bond required for each distinct firearm.”
Translation, each firearm must be individually insured, unless a gun owner chooses to self-insure, a costly option requiring deep pockets. A person who owns several guns would have to get a policy for each one. Making this tougher is the fact that no such insurance policies are currently available in Washington state.
For those who self-insure, certificates of deposit would be required and placed with the state Department of Licensing. The certificate would require:
“(a) Proof of financial responsibility may be evidenced by a certificate issued by the department of licensing establishing that the person named therein has deposited with the department $25,000 in cash, or securities such as may legally be purchased by savings banks or for trust funds of a market value of $25,000.
“(b) Certificates of deposit must be obtained on a per-firearm basis, with a separate certificate required for each distinct firearm.”
According to the Centralia Chronicle, HB 1504 “would also require firearm range operators to obtain general liability insurance with at least $1 million of coverage per incident. If an individual owns more than 25 firearms, they would qualify as a self-insurer by obtaining a certificate from the state.”
The newspaper also noted, “If an individual relies on a policy rather than self-insuring through the state, they must obtain one for each firearm. According to HB 1504, failure to display proof to law enforcement ‘creates a presumption that the person has not complied’ and is punishable by a class 1 civil infraction.”
The Washington Constitution, Article 1, Section 24, states, “The right of the individual citizen to bear arms in defense of himself, or the state, shall not be impaired…” Gun rights activists were already asserting that this year’s list of gun control measures amount to “impairments,” and that was before HB 1504 was introduced.
Many gun owners are apparently already contacting their lawmakers via Washington state’s Toll-Free Legislative Hotline: 800-562-6000. Also, by clicking on any of the names of the eight legislators named above, one goes directly to their legislative web page for individual communication.
About Dave Workman
Dave Workman is a senior editor at TheGunMag.com and Liberty Park Press, author of multiple books on the Right to Keep & Bear Arms, and formerly an NRA-certified firearms instructor.
from https://ift.tt/cPkHfNj
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