Monday, December 30, 2024

Trump and Musk Immigration Stance Ignores MAGA Pledges and U.S. Education Failures

Musk and Trump walking back voter expectations before Inauguration Day makes it fair to wonder just how sincere some campaign promises were. (Donald J. Trump/Truth Social)

“Billionaire businessman and recently appointed government cost-cutter Elon Musk called for increased immigration of high-skilled foreign workers to the U.S. in several social media posts combating immigration restrictionists,” Fox News reported Thursday.

“The number of people who are super talented engineers AND super motivated in the USA is far too low,” Musk asserted.

What he’s not accounting for is that, per Pew Research Center, “In 1970, the number of immigrants living in the U.S. was about a fifth of what it is today.” And the government has made a point of providing “pathways” not only to STEM employment, but to citizenship, both via “birthright” and naturalization laws.

Add to that President-elect Donald Trump endorsing that “pathway” for “Dreamers,” and the question neither are addressing is:

How will they vote?

The answer to that has historical precedent in California turning “blue” in a generation. And if we look at a key demographic important for Musk’s employment agenda, we find:

“A 2022 Asian American Voter Survey, AAPI Data found that 83% of Indian Americans believe the U.S. needs stricter gun laws. But the opinions held by the desi community and the country as a whole do not reflect the laws in the books, especially in many Republican states.”

That fits right in with Chuck Schumer’s goal of opening up a superhighway to citizenship for tens of millions of illegals and creating an unchallengeable supermajority to pass whatever gun prohibitions and appoint the judges to uphold them, along with a Supreme Court to reverse Bruen (while our “gun rights leaders” refuse to grade politicians for cheap labor votes that undermine what they do on the Second Amendment).

But there’s another question neither are addressing: Why do we need foreign tech workers when this country is feeding the Democrat-dominated education machine to turn out a workforce that in many cases has less than no value?

We hear the stories of dedicated, underpaid teachers who deprive themselves in order to buy their underprivileged inner city charges school supplies. No doubt such anecdotes exist, but the whole picture tells a different story, and for that, let’s cite two examples in light of the oft-repeated canard that not enough money is being spent on education.

Let’s start with my hometown, Hudson, OH, which prides itself on a good public education system with high reading and math proficiency levels:

“Hudson City spends $15,307 per student each year.”

Compare this with Baltimore, where “77% tested at … high school read at elementary level, some at kindergarten level.” We find:

“Baltimore City Schools, this year, has a $1.7 billion budget to educate 75,811 students. This means the school system is now spending $22,424 per student, which is one of the highest amounts in America for large school systems.”

All this so foreign kids, raised under real poverty, can come here and eat their lunch.

Democrat cities and Democrat schools are squandering hard-earned tax dollars to reward corrupt Democrat urban school officials who are up to  their necks in bribery and kickbacks while the systems they’ve been entrusted with stewardship over whine about being “cash strapped.” And Randi Weingarten, head of the 1.7-million-member American Teachers Federation is a connected political insider and “is an active member of the Democratic National Committee.”

The agenda being pushed “promote[s] far left candidates and causes, all while education achievement plummets nationally,” and that includes on guns, on immigration, on child transgenderism, and more. Meanwhile, the effectively Democrat National Education Association (it’s never endorsed a Republican for president) is doing what it can to ensure “gun free school zones” remain predator empowerment hunting grounds, declaring “Arming Teachers Still a Terrible Idea” while deliberately ignoring the demonstrable deterrent provided by the Faculty/Administrator Safety Training & Emergency Response (FASTER) program.

We haven’t even left K-12 yet. We could do another article about just how useless woke “liberal arts” degrees taught by Marxist academics are at contributing anything more to tech development than an occasional token Dunning-Kruger affected DEI coordinator (who doesn’t really do much more than act as a totem against discrimination lawsuits and provide a “management team” virtue signaling photo that shows how smugly they think of themselves). And the part of society that doesn’t brew its own coffee can still use some baristas.

Voters did not support MAGA all in the name of cheap labor to ensure the rich get richer, American workers get undercut, aliens get to vote interests not grounded in the Constitution, Democrats get rewarded for their subversion and their failures, students get dumbed down further, and gun owners get screwed. The whole point of the last election was to turn all that around.

And incidentally, not all agree the shortage is as drastic as being portrayed, as opposed to just a bid for more cheap labor.

Before coming to us with big ideas for remodeling with even more add-ons, how about we see a comprehensive plan to repair the existing structure from the foundation up that starts by removing the damage and the rot? How about we make sure prospective newcomers appreciate America-recognized freedoms as much as they do American employment?

How about it, Mr. President? Mr. Musk?

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea


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