Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Kamala Harris’s Claim She Own a GLOCK Raises Suspicion Amid Her Gun Control History ~ VIDEO

In a surprising twist during a recent interview on 60 Minutes, Vice President Kamala Harris revealed that she owns a GLOCK handgun, sparking debate about the apparent contradictions between her personal firearm ownership and her long-standing advocacy for strict gun control measures.

Harris, who is currently the Democratic presidential nominee, stated that she has had the GLOCK “for quite some time” and has fired it at a shooting range.

While this may be a sleight of hand to appeal to gun owners ahead of the 2024 election, Harris’s gun ownership raises questions about her consistency on the issue of firearms. Her record on gun control is extensive, and for many pro-gun advocates, her ownership of a GLOCK represents blatant hypocrisy.

As San Francisco District Attorney in 2005, Harris backed Proposition H, a measure that sought to ban the sale, manufacture, and possession of handguns by San Francisco residents, exempting only active-duty law enforcement, military personnel, and security guards. The proposition was ultimately struck down by a California court in 2008, but Harris continued to push for restrictive gun laws throughout her career. As California’s Attorney General, she certified the controversial microstamping law, which essentially blocked the sale of new handgun models in the state. She has also consistently supported measures to ban so-called “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines.

Critics are now calling out the glaring contradiction.

How can Harris, who has supported banning certain firearms and imposing heavy restrictions on law-abiding citizens, justify owning one of the most popular handguns in America?

While she points to her law enforcement background as the reason for her GLOCK, many argue that her personal safety rationale sounds a lot like the reasoning millions of responsible gun owners use every day.

Some are accusing Harris of trying to pander to both sides of the debate—publicly championing gun control while privately owning a gun for protection. This, to many, feels like a typical “rules for thee, but not for me” scenario, which further undermines her credibility on the issue. Her statements about gun ownership with Oprah Winfrey, where she joked about shooting intruders, also seem tone-deaf to her previous calls for restricting gun rights for regular citizens.

Pro-gun voices, already skeptical of Harris’s position, are likely to see her owning a GLOCK as a desperate political move to soften her anti-gun image ahead of the election. But instead of making her seem relatable to lawful gun owners, this revelation may reinforce a deep sense of mistrust. After all, it’s not the first time a politician has shown one face to the public while acting differently in private.

At the end of the day, Harris’s ownership of a GLOCK might play well with some FUD voters, but it’s hard to ignore the hypocrisy in supporting policies that would limit others from exercising the very rights she seems so willing to defend for herself.

Read Related: Kamala Harris’s 20-Year War on Gun Rights: What Every Gun Owner Needs to Know ~ VIDEO

from https://ift.tt/Oc7mxqV

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