Monday, October 7, 2024

American Freedom – Your Freedom – Is On The Ballot

By John C. Sigler*

Go Vote Ballot

In many states, Absentee and Mail-In Ballots have already been issued, and in some states, Early Voting has already begun.

Because you are reading this in this forum, you are undoubtedly a gun owner, and you believe in the promise of Freedom contained in our Bill of Rights and the Second Amendment. That means this is the most important election of your lifetime and perhaps in the history of the United States of America.

The Democrats are preaching that Donald Trump and the other Republicans are an existential threat to democracy and that “democracy is on the ballot.”

It is true that “democracy is on the ballot,” but the full truth is that they, themselves – the Democratic Party – are the real threat to democracy and the true existential threat to your fundamental freedoms.

It takes two things for a despot to seize control and for tyranny to rein:

  1. The ability to silence dissent, control the dialogue, and control which “facts” get to the people; and
  2. The ability to control the ability of the people to resist the imposition of tyrannical laws and to meet unjustified and tyrannical force with freedom’s force.

Hillary Clinton recently told the press that government must have the ability to control what the social media companies allow to be said on their platforms, or we lose control.” Yes! she actually said that.

Democrat Vice Presidential candidate Tim Walz said that the First Amendment is “not absolute,” and that government needs the ability to control what people are allowed to say. Yes! He actually said that.

There is a reason the First Amendment is listed first in the Bill of Rights – it is listed first because the rights contained in the First Amendment are the bedrock upon which individual freedom is built and that make democracy possible. The Founders knew that, that is why it is listed as “the First Amendment.”

The First Amendment says that we have the right to:

  1. Speak freely, express our beliefs and our concerns, and tell the government when we disagree, and to do so publicly.
  2. The right to gather – freedom of assembly – to speak with each other, share ideas and concerns and to disagree with government as a group – there is strength in numbers.
  3. The right to freely associate with others of like mind – the right to join and associate with others who believe as you do, to share ideas and to discuss government conduct with which you agree and disagree.
  4. The right to petition the government for redress of grievances – both formally and informally, perhaps at rallies, by written petition, through letters, both privately and publicly, perhaps in the press, and in the courts.
  5. Freedom of the press – that includes the formal press, such as newspapers, radio, television, blogs, etc., and the informal “press,” such as pamphlets, leaflets, newsletters, forums like this one, and the blogs and social media.
  6. And of course, Freedom of Religion – NOT freedom from religion, and that may include the right of free speech, freedom of assembly and the other First Amendment freedoms. Do not forget that it was the churches, both white and black, that led the fight against slavery and who continue the fight for equality today.

V.P. candidate Walz says that all of that should be under the control of the government, and so does the “Grand Dame of the Democratic Party,” Hillary Clinton.

We do not know exactly what Kamala Harris thinks about all of that -she will not tell us, but we can guess – after all, she was the most liberal member of the United States Senate, further left than even Bernie Sanders, and her father is a Marxist Professor – and what little girl do you know who does not idolize her father and endeavor to follow in his footsteps? No doubt about it, Kamala is “Daddy’s little girl.” That makes her a Marxist.

The Second Amendment says we have the Right to Keep and Bear Arms, and we know that means everyone has that right- not just the rich, the powerful, and the Hollywood elites.

The Founders put the Right to Keep and Bear Arms in the #2 slot, as the Second Amendment right behind the First Amendment for a reason – to protect the rights listed in the #1 slot – the First Amendment. Why?

Because those fundamental rights listed in the First Amendment are the bedrock of democracy and the Founders knew that without the means to protect those sacred, bedrock First Amendment rights, they would surely vanish under the boots of the tyrant.

As Elon Musk so correctly said at the Second Trump Rally in Butler, Pennsylvania – “The Second protects the First.”

When she was California’s Attorney General, Kamala Harris supported every “gun control” measure that came down the pike. Harris said that she would even go as far as to enter people’s homes without warrants to inspect for “gun safety.”

Since that time, Harris has said that she would confiscate every AR-15 and so-called “assault weapon” through a mandatory “buy back” program – she denies it now, but that is exactly what she said in 2019.

True to form, Harris’ running mate, the infamous Governor Walz, who once claimed to be a “pro-gun guy,” became a political turncoat and now refers to AR-15s as “weapons of war” and lied about carrying one in combat. Not only was he never in foreign combat, neither was the semi-auto AR-15.

Both Harris and her turncoat running mate, Tim Walz, say they “support the Second Amendment, but….”  But what?

At the federal level, the Democrats have already said that the Senate filibuster must go and that they intend to “Pack the Court” to overturn NYSRPA v. Bruen and every other Supreme Court decision they do not like.

If Kamala Harris is the president and the Democrats win both the House and the Senate:

  1. They WILL pass a national ban on AR-15s and every other “ugly gun” they can find. And that ban WILL include a federal confiscation provision.
  2. They WILL pass a mandatory universal gun registration law, giving themselves and the ATF more than enough power to disarm the American people.
  3. They WILL pass censorship laws controlling all social media and the Internet.
  4. And if they can “Pack the Court,” Heller, McDonald and Bruen will be reversed, and ALL of those draconian measures listed above WILL be found to be constitutional under their version of their “new and revised” constitution.

If Harris wins and the Democrats take both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate, you can kiss the Bill of Rights goodbye – democracy will be dead, your freedoms will be gone, and Kamala’s father will get his wish for a true Marxist state in America.

Yes, my friends, both democracy and freedom are on the ballot. And, with but a few scattered exceptions here and there, the Democrats are the ones who are afraid they will “lose control” unless they control both your First Amendment Rights and your Second Amendment Rights.

This IS the most important election of your lifetime. There is no excuse for not voting.

On July 9, 2024, Victoria Churchill authored an article in the New York Post that said that an organization called “Vote4America” was reporting that 10 million gun owners either were not registered to vote or do not vote. I sincerely hope that you are not one of them.

Your vote is important. There is no reason not to vote, and you have every reason to want to vote. Do it for yourself, do it for your family, and do it for your country.

Please vote. Your Freedom depends on it – America’s future is at stake.

John C. Sigler

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of any person or organization with whom he may be affiliated. For purposes of full transparency, Mr. Sigler is a member of the Board of Directors of the NRA, a former member of the RNC, and a Past Chairman of Delaware’s Republican State Committee.



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