Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Stallone Cozying Up to Trump is Pragmatism, Not Principle

Forget a fake punch to the jaw. Donald Trump considering Stallone for a National Endowment of the Arts role was a slap in the face to the gun owners who elected him.
This isn’t the first time Stallone, who has called for the government to disarm Americans at gunpoint, has associated himself with Trump supporters without actually being one himself. (Daily Mail US/Twitter)

“Sylvester Stallone calls President-elect Trump ‘second George Washington’ during AFPI Gala introduction,” Fox News reports. “Stallone also likened Trump to his ‘Rocky’ character by saying he was ‘going to go through a metamorphosis and change lives’.”

After A-Listers like George Clooney and Julia Roberts, and practically all the rest of the Hollywood community that can attract major press came out strong for Kamala Harris, it’s refreshing to find a major “star” not afraid to side with MAGA, right? He must be one of us! No?

Not so fast. Stallone did not risk his future box office draw by endorsing Trump in the time leading up to the election and he still hasn’t told us how he voted. What we find instead is he “admitted to not voting in the 2016 and 2020 elections.”

But that hasn’t stopped him from hitching his wagon to Trump’s before. And for his part, Trump, who is making his own show of promoting unity, is not going to say “No” to publicity that bolsters his own ego and celebrity image.

Still, sharing the winner’s celebration while staying out of the contest hardly seems consistent with a “Rocky” reference, and Stallone compounded that by invoking the name of Arnold Schwarzenegger, a Never-Trumper “Republican” and hypocritical gun prohibitionist who used his star power to endorse Kamala Harris and her agenda.

That should have been no surprise to any but the willfully ignorant. We knew Arnold was wrong for California gun owners before he was crowned by the Establishment to be governor. Those warnings were borne out after he was elected, first by his signing a law to ban .50 caliber rifles, then microstamping and lead ammo ban bills, and then a handgun ammo registration law.

And when it comes to grabbing guns, Stallone could very well tell Schwarzenegger to hold his beer.

“Until America, door to door, takes every handgun, this is what you’re gonna have,” Stallone declared after comedian Phil Hartman was murdered by his wife. It wasn’t just an observation; it was a call to action.

“It’s pathetic. It really is pathetic. It’s sad. We’re living in the Dark Ages over there. It has to be stopped, and someone really has to go on the line, a certain dauntless political figure, and say, ‘It’s ending, it’s over, all bets are off.’ It’s not 200 years ago, we don’t need this anymore, and the rest of the world doesn’t have it. Why should we?”

There’s plenty more hypocrisy, including photos of Stallone pumping his fist at a Brady Center event, and his own Los Angeles concealed carry permit (impossible-to-get at the time for ordinary citizens). Speaking of pumping his fist, Stallone “joked” about “injecting” a former girlfriend with his, which would be a red flag for anyone else.

Stallone is counting on most people not remembering any of this and – without committing himself to MAGA principles – capitalizing on a movement that motivated 76 million Americans to vote for it. And he’s not the only “celebrity” suddenly deciding that there’s a personal silver lining to minimizing the alienation from an audience/consumer demographic that is largely productive and employed. Cases in point in recent days  are Joe Scarborough and Mika Brzezinski, making a pilgrimage to Mir-a-Lago, are keenly aware that MSNBC’s recent 51% plummet in viewers confirms that normal Americans are sick of their sh…enanigans.

Look for more celebrities to try to distance themselves from past statements of contempt for MAGA values now that it’s dawning on them – or their $tudio bo$$e$ – that the voters haven’t ushered in a new woke era of Kamala and a free pass to blurt out whatever offensive inanity against half the country that they feel like without consequences. Consider the “star” of Disney’s woke live action Snow White reboot, who characterized Trump voters as haters and cursed them with “no peace,” and who now, conceivably with no small amount of pressu…encouragement from panicky studio execs, fearing a(nother) multimillion dollar bomb), has issued a self-serving imitation of an apology.

It’s unlikely any gun owners (aside from Tim Walz or Never Trumper “Republican”-style Fudds) are still regularly watching MSNBC. It’s been harder to get “conservatives” on board with giving up on Disney, probably because it has been associated with Walt’s Main Street USA values for most of our lives. Ditto for Stallone, forever equated in the public mind with this “action hero” screen personas, as evidenced by comments posted under the subject Fox News report by “conservatives” frequenting the site:

“Stallone is a class act, and he’s shown how a celebrity should conduct themselves during an election,” one reader gushed. “Rocky still got it and I am glad he appreciates the good ole USA and a leader that stands to defend it’s [sic] freedom and way of life,” chimed in another.

It’s a good bet those singing the man’s praises don’t know he’s called for the government to raid their homes and disarm them with lethal force if it deems appropriate, and that those still relying on mainstream “news” won’t be exposed to information like that presented here. That’s a great opportunity for AmmoLand comment posters, who know better, to correct false impressions, have their arguments seen by a wider readership, grow our ranks, and hopefully, help expose a fraud or two along the way.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea

from https://ift.tt/dlRboVt

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