Thursday, September 26, 2024

Leftists Buying Guns Nothing for 2A Advocates to Crow About

“Michael Ciemnoczolowski, a lifelong Democrat, supports stricter gun laws and contributes to Sandy Hook Promise, a gun-violence-prevention nonprofit,” The Wall Street Journal reported Friday. “But this summer, the liquor store clerk in Iowa City, Iowa, for the first time in his life bought a gun. Apprehension about street crime, armed right-wing extremists, and ‘whatever else the world could possibly throw at us,’ drove his decision.”

Two recent surveys say gun ownership among Democrats is on the rise. A 2023 Johns Hopkins Center for Gun Violence Solutions survey and a 2022 University of Chicago National Opinion Research survey show an uptick in first-time buyers and more guns in Democrat homes.

That’s a good thing, right?

Not really. Without further data to show this will change voting patterns to oppose citizen disarmament, it simply means they’ve got their guns before the (legal) supply is cut off. And based on comments of new gun owners included in the article, they’re still going to keep voting in prohibitionists.

Prove it to yourself. Go to the websites of two groups cited in the WSJ article, Liberal Gun Owners and L.A. Progressive Shooters, or their social media, and find something– anything—informing members of Democrat threats to gun ownership or Republican-led efforts to protect it. The right to keep and bear arms is a lesser priority for them.

It’s all part of a larger narrative being laid out by media handlers for Kamala: “We’re not taking anybody’s guns away” Harris and uberFudd Tim Walz. And they, of course, are both lying through their teeth.

There are no Second Amendment-supporting Democrats. Supporting any infringement negates the claim that there are. And supporting all of the party platform infringements by voting for the politicians bent on enacting them places Democrat gun owners squarely in the enemy camp. That’s because those they elect will come back for more and more, taking whatever increments Republicans will be craven or dumb enough to them until they have it all.

To anyone who says different, of course, they’re talking about taking your guns. They have been in modern times ever since the Gun Control Act of 1968 principal author Thomas Dodd declared, “I would be for abolishing all guns,” and Handgun Control, Inc. (now the Brady Campaign) founder Pete Shields revealed, “The final problem is to make possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition-except for the military, police, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs, and licensed gun collectors-totally illegal.”

Some “gunfluencers,” those with a flaccid grasp of history, come out gushing to their followers every time increased gun sales numbers are announced, mistaking gun ownership and gun skills with fellowship and solidarity. That’s not only shallow and naïve, but it’s also ridiculous. “Diversity” is no guarantee for enhancing Second Amendment recognition.

That doesn’t justify race or gender-based exclusion, by the way, as much as the Democrats want to portray everyone who does not give full-throated support to socialism as a Nazi. A Bill of Rights culture embraces all who embrace it back. It simply acknowledges the truism that armed domestic enemies do not make the Republic a safer place, either the overt “Redneck Revolt” kind or the more dangerous because there are a lot more of them, doctrinaire Democrat kind, who will vote in an administration intent on becoming unchallengeable by opening up Chuck Schumer’s superhighway to citizenship.

Let them remake the courts, and Bruen is history. That’s what these new Democrat gun owners will enable.

And we can see for ourselves that groups like 97percent, that say they can accommodate both sides, are nothing but fraudulent gun-grabber fronts. “Friends across the aisle” is a myth perpetuated by swindlers and by people who aren’t paying attention.

So is “friends across the lane.”

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea


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