“We can prevent gun violence while also supporting the Second Amendment,” a Giffords-sponsored “sportsmen’s” effort lies. “Gun Owners for Safety unites hunters, sport shooters, and collectors who want commonsense gun laws.”
Giffords, of course, along with all the other major gun prohibitionist groups, has endorsed Kamala Harris, who will sign whatever anti-gun legislation the Democrats succeed in passing and go for what they can’t through executive action. And then she’ll reshape the Supreme Court. That’s some “commonsense support.”
It’s never hard to find “Fudds” who are enthusiastic about voting for citizen disarmament-pushing politicians and throwing fellow gun owners under the bus. A prime example is Harris’ Vice President pick, Tim Walz, once “A”-rated and endorsed by NRA. But while low information voters are being gaslit into thinking the Second Amendment can be “respected” while it’s being eviscerated, a striking inequity is being revealed:
There is no parallel “pro-Second Amendment Democrat” movement happening. That’s because there’s no such thing as one.
Sure, there are superficially “pro-gun Democrats” who act like the Second Amendment is about duck hunting, but at the end of the day they’ll support Party gun-grabbers and a president determined to reshape the Supreme Court until Bruen becomes a forgotten speed bump.
Where are Second Amendment Democrats for Trump?
Experience shows they prioritize other issues above the right to keep and bear arms, meaning they really don’t understand it to be a right at all. This was unequivocally proven years ago, when I conversed with the head of the Second Amendment Democrats.
After all kinds of weasel-wording and Molon Labe-ing, he finally could not deny the one truth that ultimately defines them:
Under no circumstances will Amendment II Democrats support Republican candidates who run against anti-RKBA Democrats. We are, after all, Democrats.
That’s all I needed to know. They support citizen disarmament. After it’s all said and done, they support taking your guns, which has always been the end goal.
I don’t know (or care) whatever happened to them, but do note there is a Facebook group that goes by that name, a group you can join with all of 19 members that doesn’t look like it’s been active for years. They offer further confirmation that there’s no such thing as what they claim to be:
Hello everyone. Who do we all think will be best on the 2nd Amendment of the current field? My guess is Bernie Sanders, though I suppose Amy Klobuchar has represented the most constituents with guns.
I agree that Bernie is the best bet. Not sure if Buttegeig would prioritize gun control like Booker or Warren.
Personally I feel like Buttigieg is the best candidate for president and to run against Trump, but not sure how I feel about any of their stances on gun control. There are so many issues.
It’s not my top priority either…
It’s not for the Giffords Fudds, either:
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
from https://ift.tt/COU79DS
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