U.S.A. – -(Ammoland.com)- “Residents are concerned that a deal between the Falmouth Police Department and Powderhorn Outfitters in Hyannis may end up placing semi-automatic weapons in the wrong hands,” the Cape Cod Times reports. “The deal entails the police department buying 38 semi-automatic weapons from Powderhorn Outfitters, and trading in 21 semi-automatic weapons, 20 of which are AR-15s, to receive credit toward the purchase.”
What’s their problem, since the deal between the town and the gun dealer ensures it will limit retail sales of the used weapons to local “Only Ones”? That’s not good enough for “forward-thinking progressives.”
Nor are the state of Massachusetts’ restrictions on what Giffords Law refers to as “assault weapons” and “large-capacity magazines.” Per Everytown: “Assault Weapons – Prohibited: Bars purchase of certain assault-style weapons originally designed for military use … High Capacity Magazines – Prohibited: Bars purchase of gun magazines larger than a prescribed size.” And depending on how you look at it, the state government either provides the fill-in details or dictates the terms of surrender.
But no matter how much you give them, gun-grabbers always want more.
“Unless people are under the delusional belief that these officers are going to keep these weapons for the rest of their lives, they will end up in the public sector,” Richard Duby, president of the Falmouth Gun Safety Coalition complains. Once they buy them, the story explains “[t]hey could then re-sell them to people in states where AR-15s are legal, or to a gun dealer who would then sell them out of state. That scenario could potentially put them in the hands of someone dangerous.”
Funny, how people who scream “home rule” when they want to eviscerate preemption laws demand they be able to impose their local diktats on the rest of the Republic, no?
To prevent you from ever having the unlikely opportunity to lawfully buy a gun a Falmouth cop bought from Powderhorn, then sold to another FFL who sold it to someone else who ends up ultimately trying to sell it to you through yet another FFL in your state, Rev. Deborah Warner has created a petition that 300 locals signed on to “that urged the Select Board to destroy the weapons, rather than trade them.” And Duby’s Coalition “may work to get an article at the town meeting that would approve funding to buy the guns from Powderhorn Outfitters and then destroy them.”
Warner is recently retired, so her involvement in this effort presumably does not run afoul of IRS restrictions on tax-exempt churches engaged in “substantial lobbying activity.” That’s fair game to wonder about, though, since it wasn’t that long ago that a “progressive” group was trying to get a “conservative” evangelist’s 501(c)(3) status revoked over his statement that a vote for “moderate Republican” Mitt Romney was a vote for Satan. That’s a point some of us fed up with serial betrayals might be willing to concede, but it’s nonetheless demonstrative of an enforceable standard: the left stands ready to turn in those it wants to “cancel.
Duby’s Coalition is another enigma, this time in terms of understanding what kind of money is backing it. Since the IRS just ruled on its filing status in 2021, no Form 990s have been posted yet on the Guidestar nonprofit profiling site. Their business entity filing with the Massachusetts Corporations Division tells us who the corporate officers are and then links us to their articles of incorporation and annual report. But to really understand what they’re about, you need to go to the Falmouth Gun Safety Coalition website (registered by proxy), which essentially tells gun owners all they need to understand. The word “Safety” in the name might as well be “Prohibition”:
“We recognize the key role that semi-automatic weapons play in this threat and are focused on banning the semi-automatic mechanism as part of any weapon sold to or possessed by a person living in or visiting the Commonwealth.” [Emphasis in original]
Curiously, the lower part of the Coalition homepage is dominated by an Everytown/Moms Demand Action graphic. Any more formal affiliation with the Bloomberg machine at this point is speculative, but the goals look to be the same.
And they pull no punches on their Twitter feed, which, with 55 followers at this writing, only has around a sixth of the followers Warner dragooned into signing her petition. And it’s not just what they tweet, but what they retweet. Seeing them help propagate stuff like: “Nothing says ban assault rifles like cops being scared of the shooter who has one” and “Guns are merely toys for boys. Yes they can be banned. Yes the men will cry, but they will get over it and be okay,” makes it clear: They won’t stop at semiautos. They want it all. (That’s why we call violence monopolists “totalitarians.”)
As does their U.S. Representative, Bill Keating, who never met a gun he didn’t want to ban, and both senators, Elizabeth Warren, and Ed Markey.
One can only wonder what the Founders would have thought of these worthless heirs to the freedom of self-determination won for them with blood, powder, and steel. The men who did that sacrificed their all to bequeath the Blessings of Liberty to an ungrateful, cowardly, and weak Posterity. These latter-day Tories spit on their forebears’ memory, and on the memory of the Sons of Liberty. They would resurrect the arms confiscation plot that triggered the beginning of the War of the Rebellion at Lexington and Concord – as long as someone else is doing the disarming.
These ingrates have forgotten the next generation in the War of 1812, “when the area around Falmouth Heights, on its southern coast, was bombarded by several British frigates and ships of the line, and Massachusetts militia hastily entrenched themselves on the beaches to repulse a possible British landing which never came.”
At least their ancestors could try. What do you think these men would have said to Duby, or to the keyboard commando who predicts “men will cry” when others (not him!) take their guns?
The Coalition and petitioners will no doubt get what they want – this time. Look at where they are and look at the local government they’re appealing to. But when it comes to the larger goal of banning what Tench Coxe called “the birthright of an American,” who’s going to carry that out and force you to bend to their will and surrender your arms?
The Falmouth Coalition and petitioners?
About David Codrea:
David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.
from https://ift.tt/tzMrAuH
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