New Jersey – -(AmmoLand.com)- One of the loudest voices in Second Amendment activism is the DC Project. The DC Project started as an organization that aimed to have representatives from all 50 states available to petition our lawmakers in the District of Columbia. The all-female cadre of movers and shakers from the Second Amendment world includes elected officials, firearm instructors, members of law enforcement, Olympians, competitive shooters, mothers, lawyers and I bet a few bakers and candlestick makers. Nearly every walk of life is represented by teal-clad superheroes of #tealteamtwo.
The original vision was for DC Project delegates to bring forth their concerns to our Federal Government on national Second Amendment issues. The group, once fledgling, has grown into a force to be reckoned with, with state chapters now mobilized and getting involved on local and state levels. One such state that’s gradually moved to a balls to the walls status is New Jersey.
Perhaps seemingly unlikely to have such support for this civil right in the Garden State, it really does make sense. The state of New Jersey has laws that are beyond draconian with lawmakers who generally ignore the so-called Second Amendment crowd. With the state applying more pressure in the way of restrictions and giving gun owners the cold shoulder, it’s no wonder that diamonds spring up in the form of enthusiastic patriots in the pork roll wasteland of one thousand diners.
In May of 2021, the New Jersey group of DC Project ladies, led by Theresa Inacker, had one of the first hugely successful fundraising efforts for the DC Project. Delegates and Executive Advisory Board members from all across the country, at least those East of the Mississippi, turned to in order to support Inacker’s vision. The fundraiser was hosted in conjunction with the Coalition of New Jersey Firearm Owners (CNJFO) and featured the Goddaddy of the Second Amendment Dick Heller and Olympian Gabby Franco as the keynotes speakers.

Not even a full year later, the New Jersey contingent has both strong leadership as well as meaningful interactions with the legislators in the Garden State. Inacker at the helm has brought the message of the DC Project to several lawmakers with her other newly minted leaders. Recently Melissa Deeney of Legacy FFL was appointed Assistant Director and Sandy Hickerson as Legislative Coordinator. In addition to women stepping up and taking on leadership roles, several others have been supporting their efforts when able.
Perhaps the most newsworthy meeting involved Inacker along with Mindy Bruckler, Sandy Hickerson, Heidi Bergmann Schoch, and Ashley Gleezen, went to see Senator Ed “the trucker” Durr, of the famed dethroning of Senate President Steve Sweeney. Durr, a Second Amendment supporter hosted the ladies to hear what they had to say about the issues. On the agenda were Second Amendment matters that need to be corrected, removed, or added. Coincidently, not long after his meeting with the DC Project delegates, he introduced legislation that would change New Jersey’s carry permit scheme to align with “shall issue”, rather than the current “only issue if you’re politically connected” policy.

Who makes up the leadership of the DC Project in New Jersey?
Theresa Inacker, the state Director is an attorney of more than 20 years and was admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of the United States in 2019. A true “Security Mom” to her daughter, Inacker is a proven 2nd Amendment advocate with a long-standing record of achievement that includes several appearances on Fox News, and Chris Cuomo’s CNN Town Hall. She is a contributing writer to The Truth About Guns. Inacker is also a Trustee of CNJFO. She has been testifying against anti-rights bills in New Jersey since 2012. A featured speaker at the NRA rally in Trenton, NJ in 2018, Inacker has been tirelessly battling in one of the most hostile states in the country.
Sandy Hickerson, the Legislative Coordinator for NJ DC Project, fell in love with the sport of shooting at her first firearms safety class. Participating in Steel Plate matches, Bullseye Competition and Leagues, she quickly learned about gun laws in her home state of NJ. Her passion led her to take the NRA Range Safety Officer, Pistol Instructor and Rifle Instructor courses, then she became a leader for a chapter of The Well Armed Woman. Currently she is a Board member of the Garden State 2A Grassroots Organization. As the Legislative Coordinator for the DC Project New Jersey, she is standing up for the responsible law-abiding citizens of New Jersey. Educating the representatives on how upcoming bills infringe upon rights before they become law is crucial.
Melissa Deeney, the Assistant Director is a female, mother of 2, wife of 1. Deeney is one of two owners of Legacy (a small gun shop in Cinnaminson, NJ – soon to be a range) and an outspoken advocate for people understanding what their 2A rights really are. She stresses how a minute infringement can be missed, leading to larger impacts to everyone’s safety. Nothing against the guys, but she’s a staunch believer that women need to find their own voice in this industry and not stay behind the male voice. Deeney is a mom and demands action also. She advocates for holding the criminals accountable to the same level the state holds responsible gun owners.
Following the meeting with Senator Ed Durr, the New Jersey DCP troop met with Assembly Members Swift and Guardiax of District two and held a virtual meeting with Senator Singleton. Coming down the line they plan on meeting with Congressman Van Drew and District 3 Members of the Assembly Patrick and Sawyer. After April? They did not say.
I reached out to the founder of the DC Project, Dianna Muller, concerning the great work that’s getting done in the Garden State. She seems to be beyond proud of the example that’s being set in New Jersey. She had the following to say:
“I’m beyond amazed at the passion and the effectiveness of the NJ DCP ladies! Led by the amazing Theresa Inaker, they are a force in holding back the tide of gun control propaganda!”
The DC Project in the United States on the Federal level has been making positive waves and having a meaningful impact. This new phase of advocacy which seems to be gaining momentum, of the state Directors taking their fight closer to home is going to have a massive impact. Delegates within their respective states working to push for education over legislation is exactly how we’re going to regain our rights across the Union.
The DC Project is a true grassroots organization. As Deeney mentioned how she wishes there to be no offense towards the male voices in the Second Amendment community, it must be understood that these ladies are standing on their own. There’s no rich male progressive solicit pumping money into an Astroturf group, thus, running the show. There’s no manipulation here. These are salt of the Earth patriots who lean on rugged individualism. Unlike the Commie Mommies who have strings leading back to their master, these women are the real deal.
Want to learn more about the DC Project, maybe get involved? Visit them online at: https://www.dcproject.info/
About John Petrolino
John Petrolino is a US Merchant Marine Officer, writer, author of Decoding Firearms: An Easy to Read Guide on General Gun Safety & Use and NRA certified pistol, rifle, and shotgun instructor living under and working to change New Jersey’s draconian and unconstitutional gun laws. You can find him on the web at www.johnpetrolino.com on twitter at @johnpetrolino, facebook at @thepenpatriot and on instagram @jpetrolinoiii .
from https://ift.tt/ek90Tbh
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