Monday, January 31, 2022

NYC Mayor Aims At Wrong Target

Second Amendment Activist Protest Activism Take Action
Second Amendment Activist Protest Activism Take Action

New York City/United States – -( New York City Mayor Eric Adams is aiming at the wrong target by calling for more gun control in the wake of a double shooting of two NYPD officers. One is dead, the other fighting for his life.

In some ways, it wasn’t a surprise. As noted earlier, Adams was not going to be a Second Amendment champion. That said, he did not seem to be as unlikely as Andrew Yang to stand up to anti-Second Amendment extremism. We are talking a city with gun laws that inflict even more infringement than New York state does, and the Empire State isn’t exactly known for respecting the Second Amendment.

The thing is, Adams – like many other politicians who demand that law-abiding Americans accept the diminishment of their Second Amendment rights over crimes and acts of madness they did not commit – is either ignorant of or deliberately ignoring just how potent some laws on the books already are. The fact that a former cop thinks it’s okay to punish people for crimes and acts of madness they did not commit is deeply concerning, but a topic for another time.

Here’s a more practical concern: Adams is not doing something that could have an impact. If Adams really is so angry about the guns being run in, he simply needs to pick up the phone to make two phone calls: One to the United States Attorney for the Eastern District of New York, the other for the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York. The content is simple: Demand they enforce provisions of 18 USC 922 and 18 USC 924.


Let’s take a look at two articles by Wayne LaPierre: One from 1999, the other from 2015. Both detail just how much prison time that a small-time gunrunner could get. In both articles, the prison time would cover over 14 average human lifespans. You don’t have to like Wayne LaPierre to recognize that these articles, if properly used, can wreck the credibility of politicians who reflexively demand gun control.

Project Exile is controversial, but as was the case in 2000, it may be the key to winning elections. Here’s why these columns could be important: They show Americans – of all stripes – how Bloomberg’s stooges have been lying to them and how they refuse to take actions that could reduce the carnage we see reported every week.

As Second Amendment supporters facing a largely hostile media environment, we need to often consider how we come across to our fellow Americans. In this case, demanding an end to the malfeasance that is costing lives can only help Second Amendment supporters defeat anti-Second Amendment extremists via the ballot box at the federal, state, and local levels.

About Harold Hutchison

Writer Harold Hutchison has more than a dozen years of experience covering military affairs, international events, U.S. politics and Second Amendment issues. Harold was consulting senior editor at Soldier of Fortune magazine and is the author of the novel Strike Group Reagan. He has also written for the Daily Caller, National Review, Patriot Post,, and other national websites.Harold Hutchison


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