
New Jersey – -(AmmoLand.com)- This might start to seem outside of the wheelhouse coming from a publication that specializes in firearm news.
Something that everyone’s attention should be drawn to is H.R. 1: For the People Act of 2021. What is H.R. 1? It’s a bill that essentially automatically registers “eligible” people to vote in federal elections. From the bill’s summary:
To expand Americans’ access to the ballot box, reduce the influence of big money in politics, strengthen ethics rules for public servants, and implement other anti-corruption measures for the purpose of fortifying our democracy, and for other purposes.
There are so many provisions of this bill that I find disagreeable that I’m not even going to list them all. Suffice it to say I have an issue with automatic voter registration, something that New Jersey has been dealing with for several years. Further provisions of the bill will allow people the age of 16 to be registered to vote…more from the bill’s text:
A State may not refuse to treat an individual as an eligible individual for purposes of this part on the grounds that the individual is less than 18 years of age at the time a contributing agency receives information with respect to the individual, so long as the individual is at least 16 years of age at such time. Nothing in the previous sentence may be construed to require a State to permit an individual who is under 18 years of age at the time of an election for Federal office to vote in the election.
Emphasis added on “require”. Read that however you like. So meanwhile in 2nd Amendment land, we have pushes to limit the sales of long guns and all firearms to persons 21 and above, no longer allowing 18 year-olds to purchase shotguns or rifles in certain jurisdictions.
But, voting at 16 is okay.
Just reading through the text is enough to make most freedom-loving persons’ blood boil. In a country that has mass numbers of people that do in fact want voter reform, this is a slap in the face to many. I urge everyone to read this disgusting bill in full on their own.
What probably ticked me off the most is when reading the section on what agencies are to be conspirators in this ploy. A motor vehicle division in a particular state, which makes sense, I suppose? Unless you live in a state like New Jersey where illegal aliens are allowed to get driver’s licenses, where’s the logic there?
That’s not what bothered me though, the motor vehicle agencies, what bothered me was this being listed in the provisions as an agency that is supposed to partake:
Each State agency primarily responsible for regulating the private possession of firearms.
Ya know what, NO! With policymakers that spit on and try to limit the Second Amendment, no, you cannot use our firearm permitting agencies. How hypocritical can these politicians be? As of January 4th, from the Bill’s text we have these individuals sponsoring this bill:
Mr. Sarbanes (for himself, Ms. Pelosi, and Ms. Lofgren)
If Nancy Pelosi wants to involve firearm permitting into our voter registration, I wholeheartedly accept that. Wait? What? Yes, only people that pass the NICS background check should be able to register to vote. They follow the same rules, do they not?
Further, since we were talking about motor vehicle registration agencies earlier, I say, okay, let us use them. Provided there is a gold star on the driver’s license of the individual that is registering to vote. They put text in the bill saying “eligible” voters. Nancy Pelosi, you want your eligible voters? You have them, those that have gold stars on their licenses from the Real ID act, and those that pass a NICS background check. Otherwise, keep your hands out of our voter registration system! And certainly don’t use our firearm permitting agencies as a puppet to continue your assault on all of our freedoms.
Take this opportunity to contact your representatives about H.R. 1 and let them know what you think about these provisions of the Bill. Take the time to read the entirety of the text, and learn what other goodies are laced in the A #1 first bill to be introduced to the new Congress.
The Disgusting: H.R. 1: For the People Act of 2021
John Petrolino is a US Merchant Marine Officer, writer, author of Decoding Firearms: An Easy to Read Guide on General Gun Safety & Use and NRA certified pistol, rifle, and shotgun instructor living under and working to change New Jersey’s draconian and unconstitutional gun laws. You can find him on the web at www.johnpetrolino.com on twitter at @johnpetrolino and on instagram @jpetrolinoiii .

The post Voter Registration From the People That Hate Guns but Love Lists appeared first on AmmoLand.com.
from https://ift.tt/3cg2K7B
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