Wednesday, April 29, 2020

JPFO: Communist Chinese Stole Your Social Security Number!

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Alleged members of the Chinese PLA are charged with hacking Equifax in an effort to steal US Citizen's Identities.

U.S.A. -( Back in Feb. 2020—U.S. Dept. of Justice files charges in massive Equifax hack—as usual, mess media missing in action, got some of the headlines, missed gist and consequences.

According to C-Net, Equifax has paid government agencies for the breach, to be sent to harmed individuals (147.7 million people per court filings), whose names, Social Security numbers, birthdates and addresses were stolen by the commies. Can we say commies, or is it offensive, insensitive, and derogatory to the thieves who stole our secret personal data?

The threat across the board is unimaginably huge—but thankfully our deadly communist enemies are prevented from downloading and matching the data to lists of gun owners. This is because we've stopped U.S. government power grabs and domestic socialists from making gun-owner registry lists that our own agents (or commies) want and could abuse.

According to Forbes,

“Four members of the Chinese military have been indicted over the huge hack of credit agency Equifax, which led to the personal data of nearly 150 million Americans' information being stolen in 2017. Named defendants are Wu Zhiyong, Wang Qian, Xu Kei, and Liu Lei, allegedly members of China's People's Liberation Army.

“They're charged with breaking into an Equifax ‘dispute portal.' The four spent several weeks determining how to break into the Equifax database behind that portal website, making as many as 9,000 queries to obtain U.S. citizens' data, the Justice Dept. announced.”

Forbes Magazine LinkUSA Today, a typically unreliable source opined it is “nearly impossible to insulate yourself” from communist Chinese and similar hacking like this, and stolen data such as driver's license numbers can be used, “to impersonate you and wreck your financial record,” along with other fear-mongering that added little to the story:

“If your identity is stolen, it takes time to prove you're a victim. In the meantime, your credit cards can be denied, collection agencies may harass you and you can get turned down for mortgage applications.”

USA Today expressed no concern the communist Chinese or their customers might try any of that, all of which is illegal.

The FBI added significant info:

“Investigators had previously discovered and announced the type of malware that allowed the hackers to harvest data on approximately 145 million Americans (omitting that Equifax failed to act on the announcement)… The indictment on 2/10/2020 charged that members of the People's Liberation Army—the armed forces of the People's Republic of China—were behind that malware attack… the four co-conspirators allegedly used servers in multiple countries and approximately 40 different IP addresses to disguise the origin of the attack.”

The communist dictatorship denied all charges and made counterclaims, alleging that the U.S. also works to hack foreign interests. FBI.Gov Article

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Anti-gun-rights groups have also filed briefs, which JPFO will summarize in a bulletin in the near future. Concerned that the U.S. Supreme Court will overturn New York’s draconian ban on gun rights, so-called “gun-control” groups have actually pressed city police to loosen their restrictions, to make the case moot, and keep it out of the High Court. One Pulse For America, headed by former Star Trek actor George Takei is among those seeking to scuttle the case by asking police to eliminate the need to get a carry permit to take a household firearm out of the city, a ploy that failed. Visit their website.


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