Friday, October 25, 2019

USA’s Newest Arms Race, America vs. the Crazy Political Left


Civil Unrest
The future does not bode well for a country that is so deeply divided. Right now, good god-fearing Americans are winning the arms race, but for how long?

California, USA – -( Seven out of ten Americans think we’re heading towards a civil war; here are some facts you should consider.

The Washington Examiner reported on a recent poll that 7 in 10 Americans think we’re heading towards a civil war. There are facts and things you need to know, and things you can do to keep your family safe in the event of violence.

ANTIFA is gunning up, and their source of firearms is what California Democrats like to call “Ghost Guns.” I could be cynical and suggest it wouldn’t do for good liberals to be seen buying evil AR patterned firearms, so they are now making them. How ironic that the violent radical arm of the Democratic party is making their own ghost guns while their political leaders tell us the very same guns should be banned? The ANTIFA activist who tried to burn down and bomb two ICE detention centers, and the ANTIFA based mass shootings all had in their possession so-called Ghost Guns built of 80% lowers.

If your long-term defense weapon is that Glock 19 in your sock drawer, you and your family are outgunned.

The solution is to buy and own a rifle capable of home and militia use and to keep proficient with that firearms and have enough ammunition on hand. This is, after all, what the 2nd amendment is all about. So, listen to George Washington:

“A free people ought not only to be armed but disciplined; to which end a uniform and well-digested plan is requisite; and their safety and interest require that they should promote such manufactories as tend to render them independent of others for essential, particularly military, supplies.”

I’ve said this before keep two weeks of food and water on hand for your immediate family, if you have unprepared family near buy DOUBLE your supply, you’ll have company once things go south.

Practice, even if it is with a 10/22 or Marlin 60 at a local range. Shooting is a perishable skill and needs to be kept up. It doesn’t matter what you shoot really, but you MUST practice staying sharp.

Why the great divide? Democrats don’t need to compromise to stay in power. Twenty years ago, a politician who proposed open borders, free healthcare for illegal aliens while taxing US Citizens to pay for it, and open trade with China with no job protection for US workers would be laughed out of office. But that is the stated position of every democrat candidate for President, along with gun confiscation.

The left bolstered by 20 million-plus illegal aliens and motor-voter laws that sign them up as voters automatically don’t need to compromise. They can count on vote stacking and absentee ballot fraud to keep them in power in the deep blue states they control. For example, California no longer counts votes. They do statistical sampling and modeling. The result is no Republican can without 70% of the vote. NY, NJ, and IL are looking to adopt similar systems. To quote Stalin, “It’s not the votes that count. It's who counts the votes”.
Geographically the divide is between the liberal welfare-based economy of the big cities Vs.…. well, everyone else. Remove the federal subsidies spent on illegal aliens, and the economies of San Francisco, New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles would collapse. They’re trapped into having to defend and promote illegal immigration to survive. In the long run, this position is unsustainable and will lead to violence. For now, it eliminates the need for any compromise at all. The needs of the big welfare cities run opposite the average American.

In conclusion, no one cares more about you and your family than you do. Preparing for an event is NOT wanting an event to happen. We all have our earthquake or hurricane or snowed-in kits, depending on where you live. This is no different.

To stop this, we need to vote in mass, with to increase voter turn out so decisive that elections cannot be stolen and reverse the policies that lead to these problems. If not, things will only get worse, and violence will result.

Over the past few months, I’ve come to see the left being more violence and using violence as a form of voter suppression. ANTIFA is not an uprising of lost individuals; it is the brownshirt component of the left. The other parts involve economic boycotts or the destruction of those who oppose them. The boycott of FOX News, and restaurants that back or support the GOP or the NRA are examples. Here in SoCal, any restaurant that hosts a Friends of the NRA event faces a boycott and harassment. A recent charity event here was canceled because it invited Democrats AND Republicans to speak. The local Dems had the event canceled unless they were the only ones allowed to speak.

The left feels no need to compromise, so your views and your rights simply do not matter to them. They will run roughshod over them to meet the needs of the welfare state and big cities that keep them in power.

So what can you do? Prepare and gun-up. We are in a brand new arms race, and we have a great head start, but it is ours to lose. You never need to use it, but you may regret not having it when the time comes.

Get politically active; let me be honest. Donald Trump can be an ass, but he shares our values. Plus, he is a competent ass. With EVERY democrat calling for gun confiscation, what is our choice?

Get involved locally, attend a city council meeting a few times a year, and make your voice heard. We have a republic to save, so get off your ass and help.

About Don McDougall

Don McDougall
Don McDougall

Don McDougall is an NRA instructor and member of the Los Padres “Friends of the NRA” committee. If he's not at the range, you will find him setting the record straight with on gun issues and gun safety on AmmoLand Shooting Sports News.

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