Thursday, October 17, 2024

FBI Caught Hiding Soaring Violent Crime Surge: Shocking Revision Exposes Massive Cover-Up Amid Border Crisis


Illegal border crossings are down over 70% stock.adobe 155930521
stock.adobe 155930521

In a stunning revelation, the FBI has quietly revised its violent crime statistics for 2022, showing a significant rise in crime that had previously been concealed.

Initially, the Bureau claimed that violent crime had fallen by 2.1%, a figure that became a talking point for Democrats eager to downplay the nation’s crime crisis under the Biden administration. However, newly updated data reveals that violent crime actually increased by 4.5%, a staggering revision that raises serious concerns about the FBI’s transparency and possible political bias.

This revision was uncovered through a cryptic reference on the FBI’s website, where it was quietly noted that the 2022 violent crime rate had been updated. The Bureau did not issue a press release explaining the changes, leaving many researchers alarmed and skeptical about the integrity of the original data.

The revised statistics show an additional 80,029 violent crimes in 2022 compared to 2021, including 1,699 more murders, 7,780 more rapes, 33,459 more robberies, and 37,091 additional aggravated assaults. These are not minor adjustments but represent a major shift in understanding the extent of violence gripping the nation.

Researchers and crime analysts are deeply concerned that the FBI has failed to properly disclose or explain these dramatic changes.


Carl Moody, a professor at the College of William & Mary, emphasized the unprecedented nature of these revisions: “There were no revisions from 2004 to 2015, and from 2016 to 2020, the changes were less than one percentage point. The huge changes in 2021 and 2022, especially without an explanation, make it difficult to trust the FBI data.”

This lack of transparency has caused many to question the credibility of the crime data being presented to the public, with experts like Moody calling on the FBI to explain the reasons behind such a drastic shift in reporting.

The situation is further complicated by the ongoing border crisis under the Biden administration, overseen by Vice President Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris Warning IMG WhiteHouse_gov
Kamala Harris Warning IMG WhiteHouse_gov

Millions of illegal aliens, many with criminal records, have poured across the southern border, and the resulting strain on law enforcement has contributed to rising crime in many American cities. Yet, the FBI’s delayed and understated reporting of these figures has downplayed the gravity of the situation. This comes at a time when many police departments are facing defund-the-police budget cuts and staffing shortages, exacerbating the public safety crisis.

Dr. Thomas Marvell, president of Justec Research, echoed these concerns:  “It is up to the FBI to explain what they have done, and they haven’t explained these large changes.”He warned that the revised 2022 numbers suggest a broader issue with how the FBI collects and reports crime data. “This FBI report is stunning because it now doesn’t state that violent crime in 2022 was much higher than it had previously reported, nor does it explain why the new rate is so much higher, and it issued no press release about this large revision,” added David Mustard, a professor at the University of Georgia.

The FBI’s method for estimating crimes has long been criticized as opaque. The Bureau doesn’t simply count reported crimes—it extrapolates from partial-year data provided by police departments and makes estimates for cities that fail to report data. This “guesswork” has drawn sharp criticism, with former Bureau of Justice Statistics head Jeffrey Anderson describing the FBI’s processes as a “black box” even to other government agencies.

The media has also played a role in perpetuating the misleading narrative. Major outlets, including USA Today and National Public Radio, reported on the original, inaccurate data, reinforcing the false claim that violent crime was falling. USA Today’s headline declared “Violent crime dropped for third straight year in 2023, including murder and rape,” while NPR echoed the same message, claiming “violent crime is dropping fast in the U.S.”

However, the revised FBI numbers paint a much darker picture.

Revised FBI Data Showing Crime Rate Increase IMG Crime Prevention Research Center

Without the increase in violent crime, the reported drop in 2023 would have been less than half as large—only 1.6% instead of the reported 3.5%. In contrast, other sources, such as the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), present an even more troubling reality. The NCVS found that violent crime had actually increased by 29.1% in 2022, with rapes up 42%, robberies up 63%, and aggravated assaults rising by 55%.

The FBI’s revised data, showing a 4.5% rise, pales in comparison.

The Harris-Biden administration’s failure to address both the crime crisis and border security is having tangible effects. While the media and politicians attempt to downplay these issues, Americans are feeling less safe, as reflected in recent polling data. A Gallup survey found that 92% of Republicans and 58% of Democrats believe crime is getting worse. Similarly, a Rasmussen poll revealed that 61% of voters think violent crime in the U.S. is increasing, compared to just 13% who believe it’s getting better.

As violent crime continues to rise, Americans are left questioning whether the government is truly working to keep them safe or simply trying to manipulate the narrative for political gain and keep President Trump from holding the agency accountable.

The FBI’s quiet revisions to the crime data, coupled with a lack of transparency, have only fueled these doubts. With millions of illegal immigrants, many with criminal backgrounds, streaming across the border unchecked, the stakes for public safety have never been higher.

These revelations underscore the importance of accurate crime reporting in understanding and addressing America’s crime problem. The FBI’s decision to quietly revise its violent crime data without proper explanation or acknowledgment leaves Americans questioning whether they can trust the very institutions tasked with protecting them.


Tester’s Billionaire Donors Put Lie to Democrats Being the Party of the Common Man

Who thinks Democrats and “sophisticated” anti-gun globalist billionaires have any interest in this other than to control someone they consider a rube who can pander to the Fudds? (Senator Jon Tester/Facebook)

“Here Are the Top Billionaires Trying to Keep Montana’s Senate Seat Blue,” Forbes reports. “Jon Tester, running for his fourth term in deep-red Montana, has plenty of billionaire backers—but his single biggest funder can’t be traced.”

So much for Republicans being the “party of the rich” and Democrats being the “party of the common man.” The article lists Tester’s top 10 known donors to the Senate Majority PAC, with the Number One slot held by George Soros, whose “Amount contributed to pro-Tester groups: $10 million.”

Soros, of course, among other leftist “causes,” is a big supporter of Democrat politicians and “legal” efforts to infringe on the Second Amendment and mandate citizen disarmament. Per the National Shooting Sports Foundation’s “Examining the Soros Connection to AG’s Supporting Mexico’s Gun Manufacturer Lawsuit”:

“Open Society Foundation has donated to gun control groups that espouse outright gun bans. Soros lobbyists poured $9 million into getting Congress to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), the chief obstacle to Mexico’s harassing lawsuit. Soros’s Open Society Foundation was instrumental in crafting the Biden administration’s gun control policies.”

The next nine names on the list of SMP donors bankrolling Tester’s and other campaigns are hardly any better:

  • Stephen Mandel, Jr. and Susan Mandel: The billionaire hedge fund manager hosted a “big ticket fundraiser for Joe Biden where, per prohibitionist, Connecticut Senator Chris Murphy, the president “became animated talking about the daily toll of gunfire [and] saluted Gov. Ned Lamont for proposing and winning overwhelming passage of Connecticut’s first update to the Sandy Hook gun [sic] law this month. Among other things, it bans the open carry of firearms and strengthens a ban on AR-15s and other so-called assault weapons.”

  • Jim Simons: Worse than a Fudd, the now deceased hedge fund manager (again!), supported gun-grabbing Democrats while at the same time profiting when, per GuruFocus Research, “Renaissance Technologies, led by Jim Simons (Trades, Portfolio), made a notable addition to its investment portfolio by acquiring 2,669,209 shares of Smith & Wesson Brands Inc (NASDAQ: SWBI), a leading firearm manufacturer.”

  • Jeff Skoll: The Canadian born engineer was the first president of eBay and produced the propaganda film American Gun, “a powerful series of interwoven storylines that bring to light how the proliferation of guns in America dramatically affect and shape the everyday lives of its citizens.”

  • Henry Laufer and Marsha Laufer: In addition to being prominent (along with Soros, Skoll, and the Mandels) among what Haaretz called “Jewish Megadonors Helping Fund Biden’s Reelection Campaign,” wife Marsha has been a substantial donor to the Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund.

  • George Marcus: “Billionaire real estate broker George Marcus also donated $250,000 to Proposition 63,” Forbes reported in 2016. “Proposition 63 requires Californians to get a permit in order to purchase ammunition and requires dealers to check the permit before selling ammunition.”

  • Vinod Kohsla: “There’s a new global ranking of gun deaths,” the Indian-American venture capitalist and Sun Microsystems cofounder tweeted in 2018, linking to a PBS News Hour piece essentially blaming legal U.S. gun ownership for global “gun-related deaths.” As a relevant aside, the program recently showed how “credible and objective” it was (not) when it included loud cheering on audio but suppressed the small size of the crowd on video at Tim Walz’s Pennsylvania “rally” to exploit “rural Americans.”

  • Reed Hastings: Per Google’s AI Overview, the co-founder and executive chairman of Netflix “has been involved with gun violence prevention initiatives and donating to organizations that address gun violence, armed hate, and racial discrimination: Rhode Island In 2022, Hastings and his wife Patty Quillin donated $10 million to bolster Rhode Island’s efforts to address gun violence, armed hate, and racial discrimination. Louisville Hastings was involved in a gun violence prevention initiative in Louisville that took place at community centers and parks.”

  • Amos Hostetter, Jr. and Barbara Hostetter: While no direct connection to guns was found, the one-time cable TV magnate co-founded the Barr Foundation, where he and his wife “address structural racism, inequality, and power imbalances” as trustees along with The Boston Foundation’s M. Lee Pelton, who “In the aftermath of the Sandy Hook mass shooting … gathered over 250 college and university presidents to sign a letter asking President Obama to assist in establishing common-sense gun legislation.”

  • Amy Goldman-Fowler: The billionaire heiress, as trustee and president of the Amy P Goldman Foundation, has provided substantial grants to numerous Democrat/leftwing anti-gun organizations, including the Center for American Progress, Southern Poverty Law Center, and Everytown for Gun Safety Support Fund.

“It’s also harder to track all of Tester’s biggest supporters, the Forbes report continues. “The super PAC that has spent the most in support of his candidacy, some $5.7 million as of the end of June, is called Last Best Place PAC. LBP in turn is entirely funded by Majority Forward… a ‘dark money’ group—meaning that because of its tax classification, it has more restrictions on its spending but also does not have to disclose its donors.”

What we do know, from Influence Watch, is it is “a Democratic Party-aligned advocacy group that campaigns against Republicans and conservative causes.”

And it’s not just Montana. They mean to rule everywhere, in Everytown.

Gun owners in my own home state, Ohio, just received an urgent warning from Buckeye Firearms Association urging a No vote on Issue 1, ostensibly about ending gerrymandering:

“This short video reveals the dark-money activists from outside Ohio, some from other countries, who want to seize power and rig Ohio elections to elect partisan leftists even in conservative parts of the state.”

It’s a masterwork of gaslighting if you think about it, with hypocrisy so outrageous even those who see through it can be dumbfounded by the sheer gall of it. Some of us remember when the “bipartisan” McCain/Feingold “campaign finance reform” bill threatened to shut down small donor NRA members from banding together for political speech, and yet we see billionaires effortlessly navigate the maze to feed millions to the leftists. We hear Democrats like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris talking about the rich paying “their fair share” (with them being the sole arbiters of what’s fair) and see the ones we think they’re talking about hire the accounting teams to effortlessly navigate that maze as well. They’ll rake it in regardless of who’s “in charge,” above it all, which no doubt explains why they don’t share the concerns of your average Trump supporter. Or so they believe.

Just in case what they’re aiding and abetting gets so scary it threatens their precious hindquarters, some are hedging their bets with escape plans and “Apocalyptic luxury bunkers.” Because, which explains their demand for gun control for you and armed security for themselves, they fear a collectivist monster they helped create might turn its eyes on them. “Universal basic income” just means they’ll be better positioned to act on their envy and demands for “equity.”

But in the meantime, just to prove he’s every bit the good ol’ boy Tim Walz is pretending to be, Jon Tester’s outdistancing his image from the billionaire elites who want him as their Montana puppet by shooting cows in a photo op made possible with, among other things, Soros money.

About David Codrea:

David Codrea is the winner of multiple journalist awards for investigating/defending the RKBA and a long-time gun owner rights advocate who defiantly challenges the folly of citizen disarmament. He blogs at “The War on Guns: Notes from the Resistance,” is a regularly featured contributor to Firearms News, and posts on Twitter: @dcodrea and Facebook.

David Codrea


Left Will Do Anything To Prevent DJT From Being Re-Elected


Civil Unrest
The future does not bode well for a country that is so deeply divided. iStock

“‘All the world’s a stage,’ and most of us are desperately unrehearsed.” ~ Seán O’Casey

Uncharted territory!

The Joe R Biden administration is, with a signature sneer, contemptuously ignoring court rulings, as are blue-state legislatures and governors, along with Democrat Mayors.

Federal LE continues to employ extra-Constitutional powers to harass/terrorize non-woke organizations and political candidates.

On the horizon, Donald J Trump (DJT) continues to surge in popularity.

The Left is frightened!

With history as our guide, we fully expect that the Left will do anything to prevent DJT from being (re-elected.

Nothing is beneath them, as we’ve seen over and over!

Thus, in 2024, Democrats’ “military wing,” ANTIFA/BLM, will give rise to destructive riots once more. Other “manufactured distractions” may include:

  1. Another dubious “pandemic.”
  2. A destructive world-wide internet virus.
  3. Large-scale civil unrest involving virtual armies of illegal immigrants.
  4. Entire blocks, maybe large sections of metro areas, literally “taken over” by heavily armed ANTIFA/BLM terrorists, criminal gangs, and maybe Islamic terrorists, with no organized opposition from local “authorities.”
  5. China’s military invasion of Taiwan

The Left, with full cooperation from their ever-obedient media stooges, will thus manufacture frightening event(s) for the purpose of inciting outbreaks of domestic hysteria, as well as widespread violence/lawlessness.

Mass domestic anarchy/violence will thus represent a convenient pretext for suspending elections, indefinitely, elections that the Left is confident they will otherwise lose!

We may well find ourselves uncheerful denizens of an anarchically feudalistic, medieval shit-hole.

In many metro areas, we’re there now!

“How do you tell a dream from a nightmare? When it involves book burning, it’s probably a nightmare.” ~ Rick Riordan


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It is our duty to make you aware of certain unpleasant physical realities intrinsic to Planet Earth. Mr. Farnam is happy to be your counselor and advisor. Visit:

John Farnam
John Farnam


Vanderstok Case: SCOTUS Showdown Could Pave the Way for an ATF Ban on Semi-Autos


Ban Guns Pawn

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) just heard oral arguments on the Vanderstok v. Garland case. This case is critical.

Why, you ask? Let me explain.

Vanderstok challenges the new BATFE rule about “ghost guns” (gun controllers’ term), or guns assembled from parts by an individual (not a federally licensed manufacturer) and without a serial number that can allegedly be used to trace a firearm if found at a crime scene.

The BATFE used to hold that a receiver completed to 80% was not a firearm because it was not “readily convertible” to an actual firearm. Note that it has never been illegal under federal law for people to make their own firearms, but only to transfer those to another person.

With its new rule, the BATFE shifted the law to make it illegal to possess any items or parts that could become a working firearm, thereby evading regulation.

The old 80% rule is gone and is now 60%, 40%, or even 0%, depending on what the BATFE determines on that particular day.

Set aside that criminals rarely abandon their guns at crime scenes, that they almost always use stolen guns, that they grind off serial numbers to defeat any tracing of their firearms, and that tracing seldom solves crimes. Nevertheless, the BATFE argues that a crime wave is happening because people are allowed to make their own unserialized guns, which are untraceable.

The Vanderstock case asserts that the BATFE overstepped its authority and expanded upon the law passed by Congress with its new “ghost gun” regulation. Note that this is not a Second Amendment case. It is a rogue federal agency case.

However, the potential consequences of this case are far more numerous than the allegations in the case cover.

Here is why. Whatever amount of skill and work it takes to turn an unfinished receiver into a working firearm, it takes far less of both to convert a semi-auto into a machine gun. Machine guns, of course, are highly regulated under the NFA and other laws. No new ones may be made and transferred into non-government possession. Violation of this prohibition is subject to severe penalties.

So, if the BATFE should win the “readily convertible” argument in the Vanderstock case, expect them to declare that all semi-autos are “readily convertible” into machine guns and are therefore banned under the logic of their argument in the Vanderstock case.

Yes, the legal possession of semi-autos firearms is potentially on the line in the Vanderstock case.

In the Vanderstok oral arguments, Justice Alito asked the U.S. Solicitor General handling the case (not an exact quote): If I have eggs, diced ham, an onion, cheese, and a few other items on my kitchen counter, is that then considered a Western Omelet? The Solicitor General replied (also not an exact quote): No, because those ingredients have not been combined and processed, and those ingredients have other legitimate uses besides making a Western Omelet. Of course, this response is a dodge.

Alito posed a great question analogous to homemade firearms and about at what point ingredients become a specific product. With the benefit of hindsight, I could pose an even more exact analogy. Suppose I am at a restaurant and order a Western Omelet. Suppose the server brings me some eggs, diced ham, an onion, some cheese, and a few other ingredients. Suppose these ingredients even came with instructions about how to cook and serve a Western Omelet. With a smile the server says, enjoy your omelet.

I reply that this assembly of ingredients is not a Western Omelet and I would refuse to pay the tab for it. Equally, a box of gun parts is not a firearm until it is assembled into a working firearm, even if the box includes instructions about how to do this.

The legal heads are predicting that SCOTUS will side with Vanderstok and reverse the BATFE’s overreach on frames and receivers, albeit possibly with a narrow and technical decision. We shall see.

But don’t ignore that much more could be riding on this decision, including the BATFE’s effective green light to declare that all semi-autos are illegal to possess because they are “readily convertible” into machine guns.

Best wishes,

Gary Marbut, President
Montana Shooting Sports Association
Author, Gun Laws of Montana

About Gary Marbut

Longtime Montana political observer and participant Gary Marbut is president of the Montana Shooting Sports Association, the primary political advocate for Montana gun owners.

Gary Marbut
Gary Marbut


Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Call to Action: Armed Self-Defense is the Key to Preserving All American Freedoms

Editors Note: This is a condensed version of Arbalest Quarrel’s longer article “NRA’s Doug Hamlin Is Right: Armed Self-Defense Extends To All Other Rights,” which you can read here.

Red Wave of the National Rifle Association
IMG National Rifle Association

On May 20, 2024, Doug Hamlin was elected as the NRA’s new Chief Executive Officer and Executive Vice President. His election comes at a critical time for the NRA and gun owners across America, as the stakes for the upcoming 2024 presidential election could not be higher. In his first message to NRA members, published in the July 2024 issue of America’s 1st Freedom, Hamlin delivered a powerful message:

“We are resolute. We know our mission. We are all in this together . . . There has never been a more important time for us to get back on our feet than right now. The American people want their freedom. No, they demand their freedom. And now the NRA has righted its course . . . Now is the time to come together. Now is the time to be bold.”

Hamlin’s words were more than just a call for unity. They were a call for action. He emphasized that the future of American freedom, and specifically the Second Amendment, depends on what gun owners do in the coming months. His message—“Now is the time to be bold”—resonated deeply with those who understand that armed self-defense is the cornerstone of preserving all other rights.

A Dire Warning

In the October 2024 issue of America’s 1st Freedom, Hamlin expanded on his concerns about the upcoming presidential election, making it clear that the stakes could not be higher. His remarks echoed those of countless other Second Amendment advocates who have long warned that the right to keep and bear arms is under attack like never before.

Hamlin’s address struck a particular chord with Stephen L. D’Andrilli, Co-Founder of The Arbalest Quarrel, who voiced his agreement in the magazine’s “Mail Call” section. D’Andrilli echoed Hamlin’s urgency, stating that if gun owners do not heed this call to action, “all is lost, forever.”

He and his business partners at The Arbalest Quarrel recognize that the liberties hard-fought and won in 1776 have been under assault ever since, and the battle has only intensified in recent years. The forces behind the Biden-Harris administration, D’Andrilli warns, have come dangerously close to achieving their goal: transforming the U.S. into a Marxist dictatorship, ultimately merging it into a global Marxist empire.

Had Donald Trump won the 2020 election, this Marxist trajectory would have been halted. But the 2020 election, fraught with unethical tactics and outright illegal strategies employed by the Democrat Party, ensured a victory for Joe Biden. Many gun owners made the fatal mistake of sitting out that election, and Hamlin and D’Andrilli agree that this must not happen again.

“We need to vote and make sure all gun owners vote,” Hamlin said. “If we do, we will retain our freedom.” His message is clear: the upcoming election in November is the last chance for gun owners to turn the country around.

The Second Amendment: A Keystone to All Freedoms

In his July address, Hamlin described the Second Amendment as a “keystone” to American freedom. Without the right to armed self-defense, he warned, none of the other rights enshrined in the Constitution are secure. The Second Amendment allows Americans to defend their lives, their property, and their freedoms. Without it, every other right is in jeopardy.

Hamlin’s assertion strikes at the heart of the gun rights debate. While some may argue that other rights, like freedom of speech, take precedence, Hamlin rightly points out that the Second Amendment is what guarantees that those rights can be defended. Without the ability to physically defend oneself, freedom of speech and all other rights are hollow.

This perspective directly challenges those who downplay the importance of the Second Amendment. Even within the NRA, voices like John C. Sigler, a Board Member, have argued that the First Amendment holds more significance. In an October 7 article in AmmoLand Shooting Sports News, Sigler claimed that the First Amendment is the bedrock upon which individual freedom is built since it makes democracy possible.

However, D’Andrilli and his partners partially disagree with Sigler’s assessment. While freedom of speech is crucial, it is the Second Amendment that protects all other freedoms. As D’Andrilli succinctly puts it, “No, Mr. Sigler! You are wrong!”

The First Amendment is vital, but it does not stand alone. The right to dissent, to express one’s thoughts freely, and to challenge government authority is ultimately safeguarded by the armed citizenry. Without the Second Amendment, the First Amendment and all other rights can be easily eroded by a tyrannical government. The Second Amendment is what ensures the balance of power between the people and the state.

The 2024 Election: America’s Last Chance

As we approach the November 2024 presidential election, the stakes could not be higher. Hamlin’s message is clear: if gun owners do not turn out to vote for Donald Trump, the country will face a future in which freedom and liberty are extinguished. The forces working behind the scenes to support Kamala Harris are pushing a Marxist agenda that will destroy America’s Constitutional Republic.

D’Andrilli echoes Hamlin’s warning, stressing that this election is the last opportunity to preserve the Republic. “Rarely does a person get a second chance to undo a past horrible mistake,” he says. “We, Americans, do have that chance now.”

If Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, win the White House, the Marxist takeover of America will be complete. The Constitution will be rewritten, the Bill of Rights will be eviscerated, and the free Republic will collapse into despotism and tyranny. Gun confiscation will be at the top of their agenda, and millions of Americans who cherish their right to bear arms will find themselves disarmed and defenseless.

However, there is still time to avert this disaster. As D’Andrilli points out, there are millions of gun owners across the country who have not yet registered to vote. If these gun owners register and vote in November, they can turn the tide of the election and ensure that Donald Trump returns to the White House.

A Divided Nation

The battle for America’s soul comes down to two opposing visions: one that embraces individualism, freedom, and the principles of the American Revolution and another that seeks to impose collectivism, control, and Marxism. Only one of these visions can prevail, and the outcome will determine the fate of the nation for generations to come.

Hamlin understands this reality all too well. His call to action is both a plea and a warning. If gun owners fail to vote in 2024, the consequences will be dire. There will be no third chance to reclaim the White House in 2028. The future of America hangs in the balance, and it is up to the armed citizenry to protect it.

As Hamlin states, “Your freedom is unequivocally on the ballot.”

The NRA’s mission has always been to protect and defend the Constitution, especially the Second Amendment. Since its founding in 1871, the organization has been the oldest civil rights organization in the United States, dedicated to ensuring that Americans retain their right to bear arms. Hamlin seeks to revitalize this mission and remind gun owners that their votes are crucial in preserving the Republic.

The Power of the Armed Citizenry

Throughout history, it has been the armed citizenry that has stood as the ultimate check on government power. From the American Revolution to the present day, the right to armed self-defense has ensured that the people remain sovereign over their government.

In contrast, collectivist regimes—like the one being pushed by the Harris/Walz ticket—have always sought to disarm the population, knowing that an armed citizenry is the greatest threat to their control. If gun owners fail to vote in 2024, they risk losing not only their firearms but also their freedom.

As D’Andrilli and Hamlin emphasize, the Second Amendment is not just about protecting other rights. It is an expression of freedom itself. The armed citizen is the embodiment of liberty, a living testament to the power of the individual to resist tyranny. Without this right, all other rights are vulnerable to government overreach.

Hamlin’s leadership comes at a critical time for the NRA and the nation as a whole. His bold vision for the future of the organization and his unwavering commitment to defending the Second Amendment offer hope to millions of Americans who cherish their right to self-defense.

But this hope can only be realized if gun owners take action. The 2024 election is the last chance to turn the country away from the path of tyranny and toward a future of freedom and liberty. As Hamlin and D’Andrilli have made clear, the time for boldness is now.

Gun owners must vote or risk losing everything!

Final Fight: The Choice is Ours

In the coming days, the future of America will be decided. Will we continue down the path of collectivism and tyranny, or will we reclaim the Republic and restore our freedoms? The answer lies in the hands of gun owners across the country.

Doug Hamlin’s call to action is clear: vote and ensure that Donald Trump returns to the White House. Failure to do so will lead to the destruction of the Republic, the loss of the Constitution, and the end of the Second Amendment.

Gun owners must rise to the challenge, register to vote, and cast their ballots in November. The future of America depends on it.

About The Arbalest Quarrel:

Arbalest Group created `The Arbalest Quarrel’ website for a special purpose. That purpose is to educate the American public about recent Federal and State firearms control legislation. No other website, to our knowledge, provides as deep an analysis or as thorough an analysis. Arbalest Group offers this information free.

For more information, visit:

Arbalest Quarrel


Threats Against Okeechobee Police Chief Never Documented

Death Threats Against Okeechobee Police Chief Never Documented, Investigated iStock-1461413822
Death Threats Against Okeechobee Police Chief Never Documented, Investigated iStock-1461413822

Ever since the entire country learned that Okeechobee, Florida Police Chief Donald Hagan banned guns and ammunition sales along with the right to keep and bear arms as Hurricane Helene was about to make landfall, city officials and members of Hagan’s police department sought to portray him as a victim.

The good chief, they claimed, was receiving death threats that were directed toward him and his family for signing the illegal ordinance, which Okeechobee’s five-member city council unanimously passed. Most of the “noise,” as the threats were called, came from persons living outside city limits. Hagan, officials claimed, needed to take time off to deal with the threats.

The police chief went completely incommunicado. He did not respond to calls, emails or messages left with his staff seeking to understand why he violated his oath of office by signing an illegal ordinance, which violated both the U.S. Constitution and the Constitution of the State of Florida. The Second Amendment Foundation had to file a public records request just to get Hagan’s cell phone number, which he has yet to answer.

To understand whether the threats were real or perhaps a convenient excuse to keep the chief from having to answer uncomfortable and possibly career-ending questions, the Second Amendment Foundation made a second public records request seeking “copies of every police report made in response to threats received by Chief Donald Hagan and/or his family … and copies of any correspondence sent to FDLE (Florida Department of Law Enforcement), the FBI or any other law enforcement agency, asking them to investigate the threats received by Chief Donald Hagan and/or his family.”

On Monday, Okeechobee city clerk, Lane Earnest-Gamiotea, emailed a one-sentence response to SAF’s second public records request: “There are no responsive documents as requested,” she wrote.


To be clear, Okeechobee officials would have you believe that the threats against Chief Hagan were so serious in nature that they sent the poor man into hiding, but no one even considered documenting the threats in a simple police report, much less turning them over to another law enforcement agency for investigation and eventual prosecution.

Threatening the life of a police chief and/or his family is a serious crime. There are federal and state statutes that could apply, but not a single official thought they should put a pen to paper.


The mess Okeechobee created is far from over. Hagan could soon be forced to answer uncomfortable questions under oath, along with the five city councilors who passed the ordinance, for violating Florida’s powerful preemption statute, which only allows the state legislature to regulate arms. The preemption statute could remove them all from office and fine each of them $5,000, which they must pay personally.

There are other possible penalties, too. At any moment, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis could decide he’s had enough of their civil rights violations and associated tomfoolery and remove them from office.

In the meantime, Chief Hagan and the Okeechobee City Council will continue to serve as a classic example of what can happen when local government decides to violate the Second Amendment, especially in Florida.

Chief Hagan did not respond to calls or emails seeking his comments for this story.

This story is presented by the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and wouldn’t be possible without you. Please click here to make a tax-deductible donation to support more pro-gun stories like this.

About Lee Williams

Lee Williams, who is also known as “The Gun Writer,” is the chief editor of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project. Until recently, he was also an editor for a daily newspaper in Florida. Before becoming an editor, Lee was an investigative reporter at newspapers in three states and a U.S. Territory. Before becoming a journalist, he worked as a police officer. Before becoming a cop, Lee served in the Army. He’s earned more than a dozen national journalism awards as a reporter, and three medals of valor as a cop. Lee is an avid tactical shooter.

Lee Williams


Chip Mellor’s Legacy Promotes a Broader Concept of Civil Liberties: Economic Freedom & Private Property Are Essential


William Chip Mellor IMG Institute for Justice
William Chip Mellor IMG Institute for Justice

The recent death of Chip Mellor, former president of the Institute for Justice, made me think about caskets, but not for the reason you might expect. Mellor, who cofounded that public interest law firm with Clint Bolick in 1991, was instrumental in successfully challenging Tennessee’s blatantly protectionist restrictions on sales of “funeral merchandise.”

That case exemplified Mellor’s commitment to defending economic freedom, a vital cause that sets IJ apart from left-leaning civil liberties groups. For more than three decades, the organization’s eclectic agenda, which also includes freedom of speech, private property, and educational choice, has been an inspiring model of what strategic litigation can accomplish for ordinary Americans confronted by an overweening state.

In the Tennessee case, Mellor represented two businesses that objected to a state requirement that casket sellers qualify as “funeral directors,” which entailed completing two years of mostly irrelevant training and passing an equally gratuitous exam. Among other things, Mellor argued that the requirement violated the 14th Amendment’s guarantee of each citizen’s “privileges or immunities,” which historically were understood to include the right to earn an honest living.

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit did not accept that argument. But in 2002, it ruled that Tennessee’s law, which served to protect the funeral industry from competitors offering lower prices, was so nonsensical that it did not pass even the highly deferential “rational basis” test, which applies to equal protection and due process claims unless they involve “suspect” categories or “fundamental” rights.

That decision was not everything Mellor sought. It nevertheless was an important development because the 6th Circuit recognized that “simple economic protectionism” is not a valid justification for government regulation.

IJ has successfully opposed other anti-competitive rules that unreasonably interfere with economic activity, including restrictions on hair braiding and low-cost transportation.

More generally, it has urged reform of onerous and irrational occupational licensing requirements that create obstacles to upward mobility without any countervailing public safety or health benefit — a cause that has attracted support from allies across the political spectrum.

IJ’s defense of economic liberty frequently overlaps with its defense of free speech, as with its challenges to restrictions on commercial signs, teletherapy, legal advice and guided tours. Its First Amendment work also includes representing victims of retaliatory arrests, such as an Ohio man who was charged with “terrorizing” based on a Facebook joke, a Texas city council member whose political opponents engineered her arrest for “tampering with governmental records,” and a Missouri man who was arrested for daring to argue with a police officer.

In defending private property, IJ likewise helps overmatched victims of government abuse, such as innocent people whose homes were wrecked by SWAT teams, a Florida woman who was hit with $165,000 in fines for three minor code violations, and travelers peremptorily robbed of their cash under civil forfeiture laws. IJ has played a leading role in fighting that last sort of abuse by publicizing outrageous seizures, recovering people’s property, and advocating reform of laws that give police a financial motive to allege that anything valuable they come across is tainted by criminal activity.

Although educational [school] choice is usually viewed as a conservative cause, it is fundamentally a struggle against a status quo that leaves students stuck in failing schools because of their geographic or economic circumstances.

“At its heart,” IJ says, “educational choice is simply the idea that all parents, regardless of means, should enjoy the freedom to choose where and how their children are educated.”

Mellor’s legacy, in short, is an organization that challenges people to rethink what it means to defend civil liberties, promote freedom, and help the disadvantaged. It shows that economic liberty and private property, often portrayed as code words for shoring up the privileges of the wealthy, are especially important for people of modest means, who otherwise are at the mercy of a government that can stop them from improving their lives and keeping what is theirs.

About Jacob Sullum

Jacob Sullum is a senior editor at Reason magazine. Follow him on Twitter: @JacobSullum. During two decades in journalism, he has relentlessly skewered authoritarians of the left and the right, making the case for shrinking the realm of politics and expanding the realm of individual choice. Jacobs’ work appears here at AmmoLand News through a license with Creators Syndicate.

Jacob Sullum
Jacob Sullum
